Part 2

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Betty's POV:

I wake up the next morning and get dressed. I wear a pink sweater with long sleeves, blue jeans, and my hair in a ponytail. I put some stud ear rings and pink lipstick on too, I look in the mirror. I see The perfect girl next door. I look perfect enough to fool anyone. I walk outside and see Veronica's car, a blue Nissan Versa. I had recently texted her to pick me up. I think if I rode my motorcycle to school I would have blown my "Perfect girl cover." 

{B} Hurry we gotta get Toni.

Toni, Toni Topaz, one of my best friends since 5th grade. She was also the one other person who knew about me being Ghoulie Queen, but that was simply because she's also in the gang. We pull into her driveway and Ronnie honks the horn a couple times. About 5 minutes we see Toni running out with pretty much everything falling out of her hands. She hops in the back seat. 

{T} Jesus, you could have waited like 5 more minutes 

{V} 5 More minutes and we would've missed first hour. And I don't know about you but being late on the first day of school says a lot about a person.

Veronica backs out of Toni's driveway and speeds off towards school. We make it just before the start bell rings. We all jump out the car and run inside to our home room. Ironically we all had the same home room. Mr. Walker.

Jughead POV: 

I wake up the next morning and get dressed. I throw on an S T-shirt, some jeans, and tie a plaid button up around my waist. I grab my satchel putting my laptop inside and put on my crown-shaped beanie. I lock my trailer door behind me and walk to school. When I make there I'm 10 minutes early. I see Sweet Pea and Fangs sitting on a nearby table talking to some of the other Serpents. 

{J} Hey guys 

{F} Sup Jug

{J} Okay look I know it's the first day of school, but just keep a low profile. Okay?

{SP} Gotcha

{F} Cool

I nod at them and then walk inside to my Homeroom. Mr. Walker, one of the most boring teachers I know. I walk into the classroom and find a seat in the way back of the classroom. Eventually more students start to pile in, none of which I recognized. About 3 minutes before school started Mr.Walker started to introduce himself. I didn't really care to listen to much of it so I just slid my headphones on. The bell was seconds away from ringing when three girls walked into the room. I didn't know any of them, besides one...Betty Cooper. I faintly remembered her from last year. She looked way different. She got her braces off, she didn't wear glasses anymore, she had gotten taller, and she stuck out more in other places. ;) They looked around for open seats, they eventually found some but none of them were next to each other. There was an open seat next to me, one in the front row, and one on the far opposite side of the room from me. The girl with black hair sat in the front, the other girl with the pink hair sat on the far side, and Betty sat right next to me. I looked at her and smiled. I wonder if she remembered be at all... I mean we never really talked before. Other than some "hellos" in the hallways. One thing I did know was she was really hot.

Betty's POV:

When we walked into the classroom the teacher had already started talking. Luckily we made it seconds before the start bell rung. Ronnie, Toni, and I looked around for open seats. Unfortunately there were none that were next to each other. Ronnie took the one in the front, Toni took the one closest to the door, and took the seat in the far back by this one kid wearing a beanie. As I approached the seat I began to recognize him, it was Jughead Jones. I vaguely remember him from last year, he was always so nice. He always said "hello" to me in the hallway. But that was back when I was a nerdy little girl with little friends. He had a major glow up. He was much taller, and he looked like he had been working out, his jaw line looked more sharper. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He was really cute. 

{B} Happy to be back in prison? 

He laughed.

{J} As long as you keep my company everyday.

{B} Whatcha got next?

{J} U.S History

{B} Same

I rolled my eyes, than smiled.

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