25 | something to live for

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"Y-yeah. I'm fine." She lies back on his lap and presses both hands to her stomach.

Could it be? It's nearly been a month. Were we that lucky?

She bites her bottom lip to keep from smiling as an invigorating feeling washes over her soul.

Now isn't the time.

But she's excited about the thought. To be able to experience this the right way. To be able to create life with her body and to bring it into the world. To give Ashton the greatest gift of all. She wants this. She wants it so bad.

Ashton watches her curiously as if he can see the outlines of her timid smile. He brushes his thumb along her bottom lip and tilts his head to the side. "Are you sure you're okay?" he murmurs.

She slips her fingers over his wrist and kisses the palm of his hand. "I am more than fine."

"Okay." He attempts to smile even if it only lasts for the briefest moment. He lifts his gaze to Daniel who has his arms folded and eyes sealed to Ria. "You're done being useful. You can go."

"What happened to your dad?" Daniel asks instead.

"None of your business. Get. Out."

Daniel huffs and places his hands heavily on the back of the sofa. "I know you hate me for what happened to Vivian. I get it. I'll never be sorry for trying to save you, Ashton. You're my best friend. If that means I have to do things in order to protect you-"

"You weren't protecting me," Ashton snaps. Ria grabs his hand, trying to soothe him as he continues to yell. "You've been manipulating me for years. Controlling me for what you think is right."

Still, Daniel is unmoving, expression hard and unafraid. "You made it this far because of me."

Ashton flinches and his tense expression falters with a barrage of sudden emotions. He looks down before bringing his gaze right back up as if he never wavered. "Sacrificing other people...we don't do that, Daniel. That's not how friendships work. The fact that you don't even care is not human."

Daniel remains stony and unphased. Ria knows he isn't hiding any emotions. It's like he doesn't feel them unless he wants to. The way he acts so justified in destroying Vivian's life without flinching from the truth of what she's gone through. How he can so easily manipulate Ashton for years and pass it off as helping him.

The doorbell chimes throughout the house, peeling away the tense atmosphere.

"That should be Dea and Sophia," Ashton mumbles. "Get the door, Daniel."

Daniel narrows his eyes and grumbles something inaudible under his breath but disappears around the corner.

With him gone, Ria takes Ashton's hand and places it against her abdomen. She smiles to herself and caresses the back of his smooth skin.

"Does it hurt?" he asks softly, staring at their joined hands. "The scar?"

"No. Nothing hurts."

I really hope you're a father.

"You know," Ria continues, "the anniversary of the night we met is in a few days. We should celebrate being together for a year."

"Give or take a small bump along the way," he attempts to joke and even manages to pull his lips into a smirk.

"That bump was insignificant. If anything, it made us stronger and helped us realize just how important we are to each other." She smiles and leans into his hand as he strokes the side of her face. "We were meant to be together, Ashton."

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