Jake shook hands with mike and came to sit down next to me "how's the night so far?" he asked

"It's ok I guess" I can't lie my nerves are jumping everywhere. I place my hands around my arms as a slight breeze flowed past me. It was the typical summer nights but being so close to the mountains and lake the wind was quite cold.

"Here" jake said placing his jacket around my shoulders

"Thanks" I smiled adjusting it to fit me right I decided to wear it instead of placing it over me, I figured that would be the best way to stay warm . "how's your night ?" I asked

"Fine I guess"

"You guess?"

"We'll it's better now" he smiled

I smiled back, one of my nervous smiles .

We stayed quiet, I didn't know what to say and neither did he but it didn't stop us from staring or laughing at nothing, if you were here and saw us you would probably think we are weird for this silent action, but the truth is it's the best we can do.

I moved myself closer to him, I didn't even know I did until my leg hit his, and I placed my head on his shoulders. I blamed it on being cold but we all know that's not the reason for this. I just felt like this would be the less awkward movement with the perfect excused.

"Jessie" jake said everytime he said my name in that hush tone I knew we were going to kiss or say something so meaningful, i was afraid to answer back


"Do you think that girl is cute over there? the one with the blond hair?"

Ok that wasn't what I was expected.

I looked over to the tall, skinny blond who is all over one of Tonys friends. she wasn't cute, ok I'm lieing she was pretty, prettier then the rest of us here, she had big boobs nice legs and a nice butt, long hair and eyes to die for, but why would jake like her? "She's ok" I said lifting myself away from jake "I mean if you like her type"

"I wasn't sure if I should talk to her or not" he said

" maybe you should"

"Really?" he asked

I looked towards jake with emotionless eyes, if he wanted her then he could have her I mean it's not that we are together or anything, and it's not that all those kisses he gave me meant anything right?

I stood up, angry at him, I wanted to move away from jake " go talk to her, ima go see when Katie wants to leave have fun jake" I said in a rush tone before walking, more like ran away.

I didn't look back at jake becuz I knew he was staring at me. I didn't want to stand in his way of anything or anyone. now don't get me wrong, That simple gesture didn't change my mind about jake, I still loved him in every way but if he didn't want me then I shouldn't be the clingy, out right rude girl towards him no matter how much it hurts, right?.

I finally found Katie leaning against a tree with tony and his friends, she looked happy like always when tony is around . I slowly backed away becuz I realised this is probably the best time of her life and I didn't want to ruin it.

When did I come this person who could and who does get in the way of people and what they want or what they enjoy? I never been involved in nothing, and when times get rough I always lean on Katie not realising what type of situation she is in.

She's pregnant now, meaning she needs to bond with tony she needs to enjoy the pregnancy for her own sake along with her baby's sake, but I need her at moments like this.

I ended up backing up into someone, totally embarrassing considering it was the head bitch boyfriend, Adam "sorry" I said in a rush ready to run he just became her boyfriend a few weeks ago an knowing jake is my friend now he has been doing all her dirty work becuz she knows jake wouldn't be made at Adam, after all Adam is jakes best friend.

"Hey jess" he said cheerfully

"Hi" flat as I can be

"How's your night?"

"Crowded yours?"

"Same, want to get out if here?" he winked

"Don't you have a girlfriend? "

"Do you see her?" he said pointing around

Like the dumb ass that  I am I looked around two knowing damn we'll she wasn't here "ha ha go home Adam " I pushed past him heading for my car.

I think I'm going to sleep in there instead of the tents jake had set up for us.

If he talks to that blond girl there is no doubt that he would bring her back to the tent and I sure in hell didn't want to be in the middle of there fuck fest.

As I sit in my car, now, I can't help but feel mad, no I feel angry ,upset, every bad or meaningful feeling you can think of that's what I feel. my life is a ride of problems, I'm to selfish maybe even to pouty I know this becuz I'm the only one who can know what I am.

My mother always told me I seek attention but in reality I don't , I just don't want to look like a weirdo or a prude. I want to fit in and when I don't I leave, right now I don't fit in, everyone is grouped up,2 or more people in each group and I'm sat alone by the fire watching like a creeper, so I left. Jake statement is part of my leaving but not the whole reason. I had thought I was enjoying myself but I guess I wasn't.

Tap tap

"may I sit with you?" jake asked I looked at him like no but he sat in the passenger seat anyways

"It's cold in here"

"I know"

"Why did you leave?" he asked

I looked away from him not wanting him to see the lies in my eyes "I was tired"

"Bs, why did you leave?" he asked again

"It's not bs jake"

"Yes it is, you looked like you were having fun before I said what I said"

I looked back at jake annoyed "my life or feelings don't circle around you Jacob" lies

"By the way you said Jacob I know your lying"

"Yeah" I said fixing my chair so I can lay back comfortably

I sat quietly as jake fixed his chair two, I didn't want to be around him at this moment but I couldn't ask for anyone else to bother me either. "why did you say that to me?" I whispered hoping he didn't hear me

"Idk" he whispered back "truth is I wanted to see what everyone else has been saying"

I looked back at jake "what do you mean?"

He looked at me "if you do like me or not"


Jake places his hand ontop of hand "do you like me?"

I kept looking at jake wondering if I should say yes or no I couldn't help but feel, even though he had changed towards me, if this was still a joke, if he was still playing a game with me. So I stayed quiet afraid to hear him laugh at me, he stayed silent two.

Not one word was spoke for the rest of the night. I left him hanging but I think he knew my answer becuz after not saying anything he smiled and hugged me tight. he knew and so did I ...

contagiously In LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin