Chapter 5 "Amity"

Start from the beginning

She blinked, "I...I do," she answered, averting her gaze as she sipped her wine. I slowly nodded in understanding, even if I was wondering what she really saw in Ethan.

I mirrored her silence as I looked at her side profile, unsure of what we would be talking next, considering she had already told me her problem. Wondering about her situation, I really couldn't figure out why she was letting the people around her treated her like she didn't matter, when she could easily stand up to them...and I didn't think it was because she was just too kind to hurt them. 

She must had her reasons why she wasn't fighting back.

"Alex?" she called, snapping me from staring at her.

"Yes, Ms. Harrington?"

She eyed me reluctantly, "Can I ask you a question?"

As much as I wanted to say no, I couldn't exactly say that to her, "Of course..."

She shifted on her seat, "Back at the Coldwells' spaced out when Cliff appeared, and then...when you two were talking, I noticed how you look at him...You looked angry Alex...Why is that?" she pried, and I eventually pursed my lips, thinking of how I would answer her. She caught me off guard when she suddenly asked me that, I really thought she would have forgotten it by now.

"Like I said Ms. Harrington, I was entirely in a new environment...I don't really like being surrounded with a lot of people I barely know...and yes I admit, I felt angry at that time, when Mr. Coldwell joked about how someone's death was for the best."

She nodded reluctantly, "I see...and yeah, it was uncalled for, but he probably didn't mean it. It was the alcohol talking," she said, causing me to almost snort in response. 

If you only knew Lauren, then you wouldn't blame it on the alcohol.

"That's probably the case, Ms. Harrington." She smiled, and once again, silence had eventually overtook between us as we continued drinking. Once I emptied my glass, I ordered another one, so as she, as she drowned her sorrows. 

I took little sips of my wine, savoring its taste, but when I turned to Lauren moments after, I noticed she had already emptied her glass, and ordered another one.

"I think you should slow down Ms. Harrington," I commented, causing her to suddenly chuckle.

"It's fine Alex...I can handle my--myself," she said, slightly slurring.

I gave her a faint nod, "If you say so, Ms. Harrington."

"Why can't you call me Lauren, Alex?" she suddenly blurted, and I raised a brow at her question.

"I told you Ms. Harrington, it would be inappro--"

"You know what's inappropriate Alex?" she cut me off, "disobeying your boss...and right now, as your boss, I'm ordering you to call me Lauren." I clenched my jaw at her bluntness as it annoyed me, even if I knew it was the alcohol talking.

"If that's what you want...Lauren," I said halfheartedly.

She suddenly beamed, "Thank you Alex...and thank you for listening to me, I'm starting to feel alright."

I nodded, "Of course, Ms. Har-- Lauren," I said. Still smiling, she continued looking at me with her searching gaze, which I returned, then unexpectedly, she slowly leaned in, reducing the gap between us, and as I felt surprised at the sudden action, she brought her hands up, and slowly pulled my eyeglasses off.

"Lauren..." I breathed.

"...You do have beautiful eyes, Alex," she commented before slowly putting my glasses back on. I stared at her confusedly as she went back to her wine, and took a sip as if nothing weird had just happened.

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