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I continued running through the woods in the middle of the night, barely seeing anything as tears kept flowing from my eyes, blurring my vision. I was panting hard, my lungs were burning, and my feet were killing me, but I didn't want to stop, I didn't want the madmen to catch me, I didn't want them to hurt me like what they did to dad. 

They were horrible people, along with Mr. Coldwell. They hurt my dad, but Mr. Coldwell killed him, and mom...I didn't know what they were going to do to her when I left her there alone with them. If we ever got to see each other again, I knew she would be mad at me for leaving her...but I couldn't go back there...I just couldn't.

As I ran frantically with no sense of direction, my foot suddenly caught on some root, causing me to tumble forward, and I face-planted. Groaning in pain, I stayed on the ground, waiting for the pain to subside. 

"Daddy," I murmured, tasting the coppery taste of blood on my lips as they were throbbing. Once I couldn't hold it any longer, I broke into sobs, remembering the exact moment Mr. Coldwell shot my dad. He was pleading for his life...but why didn't he spare him? ...Didn't he feel pity while staring at my dad who was bending down on his knees?

How could he do it? I didn't understand. My dad was a kind man, he wouldn't want to hurt anybody. He loved me and my mom, he loved Mr. Coldwell like his best friend, and yet he killed him. Didn't he love my dad back? 

How could he!? 

While I laid on my stomach, endlessly crying, I heard rustles behind me, and immediately, I lifted myself off the ground, bolting to a run without delay. But I didn't get that far when my head was suddenly yanked back as someone forcefully pulled my hair, and I yelped in surprise and pain.

I struggled against the hold, trying to pluck off the hand gripping my hair.

"No, let me go!" I cried angrily as I thrashed.

"You know, for a twelve year old girl, you sure know how to make things difficult for us," I heard the man whispered near my ear, and then shoved me back to the ground, scraping my palms as I tried to hamper my fall. 

"Please, mister, I'm begging you, don't kill me," I pleaded as I looked up to the two bad men hovering in front of me. I stared at them in terror, still sobbing, and thought for a moment that they would let me go as they looked at me sympathetically, but I was totally wrong when they suddenly broke into laughter.

"Did you hear that?" the other man asked mockingly as he snickered.

"Loud and clear," the man who shoved me, answered, before bringing his attention to me, and I cowered like a puppy. "Sorry little girl, but boss ordered us to kill you as well."

"But I didn't do anything! Please mister..."

He shook his head, "No can do, kid, my bad...Say hi to daddy in heaven for me," he said as he leveled the gun on me, causing me to shut my eyes in fear, and then instantly...gunshots rang out, breaking the silence of the night.

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