"Omg I'm so sorry I want here..."

"It's okay"

"Wait how do you remember that"

"I don't know I had this weird vision thing"

"Okay well let's get some ice cream."

•ice cream shop•

I walked in and I couldn't hold my laughter in and I immediately started laughing. I was about to roll the ground because my sides hurt already and I calmed down and noticed everyone staring at me.

"Why were you laughing? are you high?"

"No okay do you see that boy over there?"

*points to cameron*

"Yeah so?"

"Okay so when I woke up this morning that kid was sitting there and he was sleeping and he was drooling into his nose and it was kinda funny I got a picture of it."

"Hahha. Lemme see"

I showed him the picture and we both started laughing our ass off and the boy who was drooling came over with bandana boy and his 'crew'.

"What the fuck are you guys laughing at?" bandana boy asked

"Y-y-y-ou d-drool -p-p-picture f-funny." I replied still laughing.

"Huh?" They asked together

"Ahh! Okay so this morning in the hospital I took a picture of you drooling into your nose and we thought it was funny." I pointed over to drool boy.

"Let me see!!!" He looked angry.

I showed him and everyone the picture and we all cracked up except for Cameron.


"No it's funny"


"You gotta catch me!!"

I sprinted and climbed a tree

"Hey little did you know I can climb trees"

"Really can you climb them like this?"

I flipped around in the tree and he stood there with everyone else shocked!

"Didn't think so"


That girl!! She did the same thing Kaitlin did! I remember in the 3rd grade talent show she took a picture of me and it was horrible and I told her to delete it and she ran out side after she yelled 'catch me' and everyone followed after me and her and she did flips in the tree. She won the talent show even though she didn't enter.

That's not her. Kaitlin had blue eyes and wears glasses she said she wouldn't wear contacts because they hurt!

I wanna punch her though!

•All the boys•

As lexis did that we all thought back to the 3rd grade talent show even though she didn't enter she still won. That can't be her you can't change from ugly to then perfect in a week.


I finally decide to delete the photo and go home. I had school tomorrow ugh!! Fuck school!!!

•next day•

I walked into school and people gave me glares. Ugh whatever. I grabbed the stuff I needed and walked to find my locker and classes until something pitchy came around.

"Omg I'm so sorry"

"You should be you spilled my Starbucks all over me!!!"


I was gonna help her up and stuff until I heard something probably 10 times worse.

"Babe what's wrong what happened?"

"This whore slapped me and dumbed my Starbucks on me!!!"


"HEY! children what's going on here!!?"

"This new girl slapped me and told me to stay away from kian! Then she dumped her Starbucks on me!!" she fake pouted and said in a high pitchy voice.

"I'm sorry Barbie but I never told you to stay away from your boy toy over there. I never slapped you because one if I did there would be a mark and there isn't one and two I wouldn't slap you because I wouldn't want to get slut on my hand and you ran into me!"

"Language!!" The guy I'm assuming is the principal yelled.

She started to fake cry. oh bull shit!!

"Is it true she slapped you and dumbed your coffee on Payton?" He asked the girls next to her.

"Yes she did she did everything Payton explained"

"No i didn't"

"Its 3 against 1. so you have detention lexis! Go to my office"

"Next time I will slap you for real"

"Do it I dare you!" she called from behind me.


"Are you scared just do it right here"


I didn't slap her I pushed her in the locker nose first and she started bleeding.

"Ops didn't mean to push you. eww It got slut on it!!!" I dusted my hands off

"While you fake crying I would recommend calling you personal person who gives you a nose job and I wouldn't be surprised if he said 5 replacement were enough" and after that people clapped and Kian pulled my arm and whispered in my ear something I've heard before..

"Listen you got moves now fat pig better watch it because me and my friends will get you for this!!"

I was then dragged away by the principal and everyone stared at me in shock. I had to go home early that day because I'm 'trouble'.


I called the Magcon boys and my group to teach 'lexis' a new lesson.

Hehe told you it would be like the other books!

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