Chapter Three Part Two- Becoming Adventures

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"Hi Welcome to the Falmouth City Adventure Guild are you here to get registered?

The receptionist was what I would expect from a receptionist of a fantasy world, pretty with short brown hair and glasses, she gave of a professional office worker vibe. Though she looked as busy as everyone else she didn't even look up at us while she was doing her introductions just shuffling through papers.

"I think it's a little rude to not look at someone while you greet them," Damara spoke her mind on the issue.

She looked up at us and sighed.

"I'm truly sorry, this isn't how I am normally, but we are in a state of emergency right now and there is little time to waste."

"So what exactly is causing the hassle around here?" I asked.

"There are confirmed sighting of a hobgoblin."

"Ok, but I...."

"Not only that it's said that he has already amassed a force of over five hundred and growing."

"Yes, but I..."

"And now they want me to look through the file of every adventurer in Falmouth and I find a way to get in touch with every gold rank and above!"

I was trying to tell her I already defeated the hobgoblin, but she wouldn't let me get a word out so I decided to wait until she was finished.

"Ok please fill out this form, do you happen to know what level the both of you are?"

Something is telling me if I tell them I'm level two hundred it would cause a national stir. In all honesty, I'm not ready for that sort of attention.

"I'm level eighty-five and she's level seventy-five," I decided to lie.

She pursed her lips and lowered her eyes at me with one corner of her lip raised.

"Look we have a magic item that will tell us all we need to know, so it's better if you don't lie on your application, here fill these out and return when you are ready."

She had us a paper then walked away with a large stack of papers.

We sat at a desk and began our applications it was more comprehensive than I expected it to be; it was six pages long.

"Hey, Joten, for next of kin should I still put mom and dad even though I'm banished?"

"I would."

"And what should I put for the address?"

"We don't have one yet, we need to hurry and find a hotel, but I'd leave it blank for now."

The last two pages of the registration form were the rules and code of conduct for the guild and a blood signature box. Of course, I skimmed through the code of conduct section, because no one read this stuff in real life and most of it was common sense.


1) Adventures will not get involved in any war between countries.

2) Adventures will not pick up arms against Royals or Nobles.

3) Adventures will not join any order of knighthood.

4) The guild has first right of refusal for any and all monster parts for monsters listed on a job request.

5) Adventures must accept one job a month, unless on a long term mission.

6) Adventures must follow the laws of the country they are in.

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