Chapter 19

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I am woken up to yet another door being banged open. Why can't people just open doors normally and nicely? Would it kill them to cause less damage? I am in the progress of trying to get myself moving, wishing I had coffee, the glorious nectar of life, when I am rudely interrupted again.
"Wake up and get dressed quickly so we can go to the kitchen."
I sigh and begin to crawl out of the crate as fast as I can, which is not very fast considering its the fricking morning and I have no life juice. I stumble my way across the room to the pile of clothes on top of the vanity I grab them and try to head to the bathroom. "Get dressed right here so you can be ready quicker."
I huff my annoyance and turn around to get dressed. Three long minutes later I am dressed and brushing my hair. After fighting with it for a minute I just shove it under the neon blue beanie I was given and quickly put on some makeup. He gave me almost the same outfit as yesterday only bright blue stuff rather than neon green. It's another one of the outfits I wore a lot before I was taken. In all it takes me max five minutes to get ready, very speedy mind you for anyone let alone a non-morning person. However if you were to go based on Ryan's face right now you would think it took me two hours to get ready. He grabs my arm angrily and yanks me out of the room.
I just follow trying my hardest not to trip. For the first time in my living existence I made it down a hallway without even stumbling on my own two feet. We enter the kitchen/ dining room thing. He sits down at a random table filled with his "family" and pulls me onto his lap. I sit there ot seeing a better option and fiddle with my hands. Ryan notices this and grabs my hand. I stop and wait to see what he will do. He just calmly takes off the skin glove I have on my basically robotic hand and puts it in his front pocket. "You can have it back if you get it."
I hear him whisper in my ear I roll my eyes. If he really thinks that its going to bug me not having the glove on he has another thing coming.
A waitress comes up as though we are in a real restaurant and hands out menus. Obviously I am not given one but Ryan opens one up in front of my face. "You can pick one thing off the entire menu thats it."
I quickly skim the pamphlet and decide on my choice. I nod to let him know I have chosen. "One extra extremely large iced caramel machiatto please."
I say sweetly. I did not make up that size it was on the menu that way. It also says its just shy of two liter and comes in a decorative insulated cup. It looks more like a jug but you get the point, "Would that be with a straw or screw top?"
"Straw please, and could the decorative stuff be the inspirational sayings one?"
"Of course I'll be right back."
I sit back pleased with myself. I get coffee and a container. But more importantly coffee.  Don't judge for saying that,  I happen to like it and you can freak off if you're gonna judge. That's what I thought. She comes back with a huge container of the life blood and places it in front of me. I immediately reach for it, not really caring what Ryans says, I flip open the straw top and take a large gulp. I practically moan at the blessed taste. I haven't had it for years and it shows. I barely swallow that when I take another. I sigh contentedly and close it up for now. I look behind me to see Ryan just shaking his head as he takes bites of pancakes. I don't think I just stick my tongue out at him for his judgemental attitude. He simply sticks a fork full of pancakes in my mouth. I just raise an eyebrow and chew it. It tastes really good and even though I still love the coffee more I really want some pancakes.
I figure if he already fed me one bite then I can have another. So I take the fork away from him and have another bite before giving him the fork back. He squeezes my upper thigh in warning. I test my luck by just smirking at him.
I already know I can beat his ass it may take me a bit but I can. And even though we are surrounded by his friends and actual family I would still be able to get some damn good hits in. His hand begins to crawl up my leg. I firmly push it away and take another drink of liquid heaven. He doesn't remove his hand from my thigh or move it up further. He just continues eating. After a few minutes I decide that I want another bite. So I go to take the fork, before I can succeed the pancake full fork has already been put in my mouth. I chew it happily. And every bite I get after that he just feeds to me I don't even have to reach for the fork I just slightly lean towards it. Maybe he's not so bad.
Too soon the plate is empty, I am full but that means I have to get up.I am comfortable and perfectly fine with staying where I am. Ryan quickly changes my mind when his hand grabs my butt unexpectedly.  I quickly stand up and grab the liquid gold holding it close to me so it remains safely in my possesion.
He just laughs at my reaction and reaches for the container. I grip it closer to myself and take a step back. His eye harden and his playful mood goes out the window. He holds out his hand waiting for me to reliquinsh my death hold and give up my precious. I decide to give it to him but if I don't get it back or he takes a drink I am wopping his butt and leaving this place I don't care how its going to happen but it will so help me. He hands it off to a waitress who walks off with it. I take deep breaths to try to possibly calm down my anger when she walks back with it and hands it to me. I open it to see that it has been refilled to full. I do a slight happy dance and hug her. I come to senses and am about to say something when I am picked up and placed over the top of one of Ryan's shoulder as he talks to who knows where I wave good-bye and hang onto to the thermos for dear life.

I just wanted to give a shoutout to Cherokeemami78 she has encouraged me to write this earlier than I was going to and ingeneral she made my day a lot better. Thank you so much to her and to anyone who is reading this it makes my day better. Have an awesome life filled with happiness!!!!!!

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