chapter 2

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I wake up in a start, not recognizing my surroundings and having a panic attack. Only to have yesterday's events come crashing down. I sit up and look around. I am still stuck in this flippin cage.

As I look around I notice something out of place very out of place. Ryan is nowhere. I am trapped in this room by myself. I decide to take full advantage of this opportunity and slip a bobbypin out of my hair. I make quick work of the lock..

I burst out of the room running full speed. From our little walk yesterday I know exactly where the exit is. I make towards it at full speed which admittedly is not very fast considered I've been locked up for two years. But the almost promise of freedom is motivation enough. I burst through the door and continue on into the woods next to the house. This mildly terrifies  me because I have no sense of direction but I forge on making a split second decision that anywhere is better than here.

Within an Instant of me entering the woros I hear shouts and footsteps following me. I pick up the pace as much as I can. Despite my best efforts I soon hear the footsteps getting closer and closer and closer.

Not soon after I hear one of them shout for me to stop. Then others join. But the one voice I have dreaded hearing the most never yells never calls out. Ryan has not made himself heard and that in and of itself scares me more than any threat ever could.

I begin to slow my stamina running out. Then and only then do I hear him speak. “If you give up now the punishment won't be as bad!”

I almost stop right then because I have a feeling that his punishments are going to be a lot worse than the guards ever were. But my stubbornness makes itself known and I keep on going.

I not two seconds later I am tackled to the ground. I struggle but not because I'm trapped simply because I am on my stomach. I hate being on my stomach. As I fight to be able to flip around. I hear Ryan from on top of me say,” You should have listened.”

As I continue the absolutely pointless fight of trying to flip on to my back. Ryan grabs me by the back of my neck and squeezes. Pain floods through my system and I stop squirming.

With me being trapped on my stomach I begin to panic. I try my hardest not to hyperventilate but after another minute I can't stop.

Ryan leans down and whispers in my ear,” if you hate this you're going to be terrified of your punishment.”

He hits my neck pressure point and I black out.

Once again I will not be updating very regularly. Have fun love life and  never give up.

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