chapter 8

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It takes all of my concentration to not move. He leans in toward me until he is right next to my ear. He whispers,"You look so much better without your own handiwork showing."
I respond with what I am expected to,"Thank you."
He then asks a bit angry,"Thank you who?"
I freeze up they told me that he would tell me what to call him. I look up to see him staring, more like glaring at me. I mumbled I don't know.
"Speak Up!" He growls out.
"I don't know."
"You stupid girl you don't listen. I told you to call me Ryan, call me anything else and you'll be punished."
I am shocked I was told that he would never gave me call him that he doesn't allow anyone to call him that but his father. He thinks it makes him weak and now he's threatening me if I don't call him that?
Despite my inner turmoil I respond,"Yes, Ryan."
He leans back satisfied. He picks me up and places me like I was before wrapped around his front and he carries me to a different room.
He sits down and makes sure that I am sitting on his lap, facing him legs on either side.
I hear voices and I suck my head into his shoulder wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
He loops his arms around me, hands resting on my butt and begins to talk back to the people. I don't understand why he has me come everywhere.
As i zone off thinking about the way he had acted today I feel someone touch my back. I flinch before thinking . "She sure is a jumpy one."
Ryan tightens his hold on my butt and responds back all I can think is crap I messed up again.
Minutes later he's saying his goodbyes and I tense knowing that it's not going to end well for me.
Ryan stands up with me clinging to his front and begins to walk. Within a minute I recognize that we are back in his room. He drops me onto the floor. I don't move not wanting to anger him.
He just looks at me I change how I sit so that I am kneeling but sitting on my feet. It's how I was told to sit if I messed up or thought he was going to punish me. I bow my head and wait.
After a little bit I  hear shifting, I don't dare move.
Ryan comes over and yanks me upright. He pulls me over to the bed and forces me to sit on the edge of it.

This is your author speaking. I'm really sorry I haven't been updating things have just been really hectic and im trying to balance my life out haven't quite succeeded but getting closer I think. Have a wonderful day/week/life.🌟🌟🌟

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