Chapter 17

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After a moment I am sick of them just staring after they were idiots so I do the reasonable thing. I stick my tongue out at them and flip them all off before sitting down. Ryan just sighs at my actions and wraps his arms around my waist extremly tightly, probably to remind to actually behave. I shift enough to get his hold to loosen than I lean back and put my barefeet up on to table legs crossed. To my surprise he allows it and just begins talking again. I just look at Josh. Despite what he did I'm still worried. Is his sister alright now? Is he ok?
These questions are just running through my head. An hour later the meeting is wrapped up. The only things they actually decided on was that I am not going to be killed and they need to get at least 20 more recruits to replace people who have been lost. That ticks me off never in ADM did we just go searching for recruits and we neer went looking for them to replace people. We had enough peopel approach us we actually turned people away that we thought could do better in life. If someone wanted out we let them go with tears of sadness but with the knowledge that they are usually going on to better things. We trusted that they wouldn't be a snitch and in case they were we make sure to document anything the group does with images and videos. We have been around so my grandparents time and we have never had a teller. We are a family we may steal, kill, and vandalize but in reality we don't do any real damage. We steal from corrupt bankers and ridiculously rich people. We donate to charities with the money. We kill rapists and serial killers. We assasinate corrupt governement officials. We take in hookers and we help give them a better life. We take in homeless and give them a place to stay. Anyone we help is not forced to join. We only vandalize either easy to clean stuff, our own property in moderation, or people whom the world needs to know shit about so we tag their place. First in warning then we write what they did. If nothing still happens we provide proof of what they have done. We oust cheaters and frauders, lying reporters and biased publishers.
We don't claim to be good but are we really that bad?
Ryan nudges me to move and I oblige standing up and stretching . My top rises but I pay no attention yet my boobs aren't showing and I'm sore. Just as I'm finishing stretching Ryan pulls my shirt down with a glare. I shrug. I feel just fine about my body. Which just a by the way wouldn't be possible without ADM. Just had to say that. In ADM I was able to confront my previous torturers and give them what they deserved. Some death, some castration, and some public humiliation, whichever fit the person and severity. I do not regret that one bit. In case you are wondering I have killed 37 people and I feel no guilt about a single one. However only ADM knows. I am also known as Devil's Right Hand in my kills. I decided that if I was going to kill somebody I didn't want anyone else to take the blame so at each scene I placed a metal pentagon next to each body. The detail has never been released to the press so at any time an innocent is being blamed I can make sure that they do not take the blame. I refuse to let someone else go down for my "crimes."
As we leave the room I am stunned by just how many of the attenders brought their own guards. As if they were expecting to be attacked by their supposed to be family. Another thing that is unheard of. We trust each other. Without trust we would fall apart.
I follow Ryan through the almost maze. He turns to me and tells me, "We are going to play a child's game: Hide and seek. If I find you within ten minutes you have to do what I say no matter what for the rest of the day. If I don't find you in ten minutes then I will sleep in a different room and leave you be for the rest of the day."
I have just the place to go. He is assuming I don't know the place when i just about do. I am going to go to the kitchen which is massive and just act entirely normal until he comes then I can just go into a cupboard. I ask,
"Touch to find or see to find?"
"Touch. You have five minutes to hide starting now."
He closes his eyes and I bolt towards the kitchen only to realize that's exacly where he would look. So I go up two flights of stair and duck into a guest bedroom. I lightly place myself in the closet that has an outside of the room entrance. The best place. Two exits and plenty of little niches. So I sit and wait wondering how I am supposed to know just whe the count down starts. Then an intercom comes on, the search begins in 3...2...1...go. Ten minutes remaining.
Interesting. 8 minutes pass by like its nothing before I hear light footsteps inside the guest room. I quietly inch my way towards my escape the intercom shouts 60 seconds...59...58...
THe door knob begins to wiggle I stay put. Giving me as much time as possible in my safety spot. The door flies open and i bolt out the other door. There is a freaking long directy in front of me so i bolt down it. I allow myself one glance back I see Ryan hot on my heels. The intercom begins the ten second count down. I am nearing the end of the hall . I reach a turn and throw myself into it. I hear a satisfying thud of Ryan hitting the door as I continue my sprint. 3...2... Then I am tackled to the fucking ground.
The intercom announces the count down's end. I just groan I lost in the very last second. Now because I agreed to the stupid thing I have to listen. I ponder just not listening to it. I quickly through the option out I don't like lying unless there is no other way out. So I am just going to have to suck it up.

Have a great life!
Also I realized that for some reason chapter 13 never published so I remedied sorry for any confusions. Please go and read it thank you.

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