Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Thank you 

Tyler's POV:



I smack my alarm clock with my hand, ouch, probably shouldn't have hit it that hard. I roll to my left and squint my eye to look at the red numbers: 10:15. Fuck I must have hit snooze more times then I mean too. I manage to get myself, up, I look about my room, I'm still so tired I don't even know how to begin my day. Wednesday’s, are my least favourite day of the week, well actually all weekdays. Luckily I graduated High School, but I fucking hate working.

It’s never how I pictured my life being, I didn’t want to graduate High School a year early due to bullying, I wanted it to be the greatest experience of my life, I wanted to make friends for the rest of my life, I wanted to use my gap year to travel the world, then go to University, choose a major, do what I love, find the love of my life, so I can give myself to him completely, and he can do the same. Maybe have a family, I guess I’m to young to make those decisions, but being 17 and never even been kissed, easily enough said I was not planning my life to turn out life this.

Seventeen, a boring ass job, a small flat, but I guess I shouldn’t be complaing, have this much stability in my life is a nice change, but I just wish my life could mean something more. I’ve always wanted to do amazing things, achieve greatness. But stuck in London wi

 I slowly drag myself to my bathroom, awesome; my long usually straight black hair is now wavy. It's too early to care. My skin looks lighter then usual, I am pretty tan but now it's awfully pale. I quickly wash my face, and start my make-up routine; concealer, foundation, powder, shiny gold eye shadow, thick layer of eyeliner, and mascara.

I look in the mirror pleased with how I did that fast. The gold brought out my blue eyes, but thoughts run through my head, I'm really nothing special, just another girl.

 I walk out of my bathroom to hear my best friend Devin screaming my name.

" Tyler! Get your small ass down here, you're going to be late, again!" I run down the hall, down a flight of stairs into the kitchen, oh jolly, food...

"Their going to kill you if you're late again." Let them I think to myself. “I’m moving as fast I can.” I spit, a lot more sassy then I meant it to sound.

I go to the sink to get a glass of water. Devin just stares at me, there’s a look of concern in his eyes but I just look away. Devin has been my best friend since I was 12. We both didn’t fit in, so we stuck together, got out of the hell hole called high school a year early and then moved to London to peruse are careers; Him as a fashion designer, and me as a photographer. Yes Devin is gay, but I still love him more then anyone. Probably cause I don’t have anyone. 

I am an only child, But when I was 15 my parents died in a car crash, it was hard on me, I lived with Devin’s family, until 3 months ago, then we moved to London together.

"So, since someone’s finally turning 18 in a couple days….. I was thinking” Devin trailed off.

Oh god this can’t be good. He glared into my eyes.

“ Why not celebrate? Everyone likes a good party!” He screamed jumping up and down like a little girl!

Yeah, because I have so many friends.

“If you shut up, I will.” I state.

He just smiles at me, his big blue eye staring back at me filled with joy. I ran over and hugged him.

“Thank you for being there when no one was.” I softly whispered. 

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

Please vote! x.

Sorry if it's messy, first fan fiction!



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