Chapter 5

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Tyler's POV:

I hear the footsteps getting close to me, just play it off. I grab a napkin and wipe my face.

“Oh sorry I wasn’t feeling to good, don’t worry about me.” I say happily, and finally walk out.

I am awfully shocked to see that it’s Niall, he looks worried and concerned, but I can see anger in his eyes.

“Don’t lie to me. I can-“ “I’m not lying besides this is the women’s washroom, you shouldn’t even be-“ I try to finish but he harshly interrupts.

“Let me finish.” I just look at him, now he’s flushed with anger, I nod letting him continue.

 “Don’t lie to me, I know when people are lying, and I am fucking sick of it, everyone thinks I am just some guy who’s happy all the time and jokes, but it’s nothing like that, I thought you were different, right from the beginning, I got this feeling about you. That you can actually help us, and I was hoping me to..”

 He started off so long and confident, but by the last sentence he was whispering and crying.

I’m processing what he said, where did that come from! He has no right to go off and put me in that position.

But, I guess that means they’re not just spoiled brats with perfect lives. After a long really awkward period of time, I speak up.

“I’m sorry, it’s just I usually don’t tell people, especially not someone who is the most famous boy band. But this really isn’t the place to be talking about this, and considering I’ll be seeing you a lot for the next year, you can talk to me anytime you need.”

I didn’t want to give into anything, I didn’t want anyone to know anything, this all started when I was about 13, and I went into high school, and everyone wanted to look a certain way.

I was never really over weight, but the pressure of society just got to me, but when my parents died, that’s when depression hit me hard. 15, no parents, no family that lives in Europe, all of my family lives in North America. I wasn’t willing to move, so Devin’s family took me in.

I gave Niall a hug and he whispered in my ear. “I’m here for you, we’ll talk later.” I pulled away and nodded. Went to the mirror and fixed my makeup, then went back to the table with Niall.

All of the boys looked at us, but Harry, looked extremely rattled. He really doesn’t make sense to me. “What took so long?” Harry spat.

“Uh, well I just kind of hush-“ “She went into the boys washroom and backed out and hit her head, then I came and helped her.”

Niall said so smoothly it was almost believe able. “That’s me! I’m a clutz, oops…” I drifted off the last part just looking at my shoes.

“Okay well were done so let’s go.” Louis said while grabbing his jacket and walking to the door.

We all walked to the car in silence. The car ride back to my apartment was also silent, we arrived at my apartment, and said bye to all the boys, but Niall hugged me and whispered in my ear.

 “I’ll text you in about 20, were going to talk tonight.” I’m stunned but I don’t know what to say back, I just got out of the car and walked up to my apartment. Well this is going to be a wonderful year.

Harry’s POV:

What’s with Niall, was it not clear I was flirting with her? It would be nice to have someone to keep me company on tour, if you know what I mean, and she looks like a model, my type. 

We were on our way back to our flat when we all got a text from Paul.

Paul- Here is Tyler’s number; 778 555 1234. Only for emergency don’t annoy her boys.

Zayn didn’t seem to care, Liam added it to his phone, Louis was already sending her a text, and Niall had a huge smile on his face, and does he like her.

Whatever, I added her number, and looked over at Niall, who was already sending her a text. Louis was okay; he has a girlfriend, but Niall really? Maybe I’ll text Tyler too. But later. 

We got to our flat and Louis was going out with Eleanor so I went to Niall, Liam, and Zayn’s too hang out I walk through the door to see Zayn and Liam on the couch playing video games, and Niall just walked out of his room.

“Alright boys I’m off for coffee.” Niall said and then noticed me; he quickly grabbed his jacket and car keys. “Whom are you going with?” I asked. “No one knows he won’t tell us!” Liam screeched, he was curious as well. “Just a girl from that club the other day. “ Niall mumbled quietly so we could barely hear, whatever. I still have to text Tyler.

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

Trying to repost up to chapter 16 today.

Thank you so much for all of the support, don't forget to vote, x.

- cheers, summer.

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