"Hey! Look I'm sorry about last night, I just don't think you should lose your friendship because of one fight." I could tell he meant it, and I knew he was right. We were friends for too long too end it all after one fight, but that doesn't mean it wasn't going to be awkward as hell before we could even be friends again.

I heard Stephanie honk outside and ran out to meet her

"Bye WIll!" I yelled as I shut the door.


"Boys we aren't going to miss another flight! Let's go!" Paul yelled to the  boys and Emily as they sleepily walked down the hotel hallway.

"Paul please stop yelling" Niall said rubbing his eyes, as they entered the elevator.

They were greeted by fans outside the hotel, they waved and signed a few things while Paul was rushing them to the car.

The same thing happened when they arrived at the airport, fans crowded around them yelling and taking pictures. Luckily they were on time.

All the boys phones buzzed, they took them out of their pockets to see what the message said.

From: Stephanie Hamilton 

Have a safe flight! Text us when you land! - Steph and Devan

Harry showed Emily the text and she just rolled her eyes.

The boys, Paul, and Emily all boarded the plane getting ready for the long flight ahead of them. They were going to Texas for about a week then to Florida for  another week, and Emily was going to fly home from there.

 Later that night all the boys had sent some sort of message to both of the girls letting them know that they had arrived at the hotel in Dallas.

They made it through all the shows in Texas having a great time at everyone, thousands of fans screaming as they ran on stage until they ran off.

The week had passed quickly for the boys, and they were already on their way to Florida Emily still with them, all of them excited for the shows they were going to be performing up until Friday which was when they were leaving to go flim there newest music video in California. However the week did  not go so quickly for Devan and Stephanie. They were in school everyday, and if homework, tests, and stuff going on at home wasn't enough they still had drama at school with Sara and everything was still pretty awkward with Adam. What they needed was a break, a break from all the stress and drama.

At least it was the weekend so they could hang out, Stephanie went over to Devan's to watch some movies, they could always find the weirdest stuff on netflix and it would actually be good.

"Please just push me off a cliff, it would be easier then staying in school" Devan told Stephanie as she plopped down onto the couch in her basement.

"I know. oh my god. School has fucking sucked." Stephanie told Devan agreeing with what she had ' said.

"We need to do something" Stephanie suggested.

 "Let's go on a roadtrip!" Devan suggested sitting up quickly.

"Shut up" Stephanie replied laughing.

"No! I'm serious!" Devan continued.

Stephanie stopped laughing when she realized Devan was being completely serious.

 "And where are we going to go?" Stephanie asked.

"I don't know! What about next weekend we can go down to Florida, one of my family friends lives down there im sure we could stay with them for the weekend we have a long weekend anyway" Devan explained hoping Stephanie would say yes.

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