Chapter 32: Believe Me

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"Can you please open the door? I'm tired after the flight and would like some rest".

He gradually turned around, facing me.

"After all good things I've done for you, after showing you my real self and after confessing my love to you...all you have to say is this?"

Ugh why can't he just understand.

"I appreciate it Jungkook but please don't force me. I don't feel the same about you. My answer won't change".
I pleaded go only see his head hung low as he sighed.

"One more thing Jungkook... I feel it's appropriate for me to leave now since I've already earned some money to support my family. I don't think I should stay here after all this. I'm grateful to you for providing a roof and necessities to my family but it's time for me to find my own path with Jackson and start a life together. I'll be leaving tomorrow ". I honestly told him. Waiting for his response to only see him watch me with total contempt.

"Leave? Did I say you can leave?" he smirked.

Why is he acting like this?

"Jungkook please don't act like this... You're scaring me". I pleaded.

Why is he acting like his old self? I don't like it.

He gradually took each step forward in my direction. Until reaching me.

"Acting like what?" he asked.

"A-Acting like your old self", his cold aura made me stutter.

"Well too bad you'll get to endure this everyday. As for you leaving, forget it unless if you want to see your father behind bars".

I can't believe what I'm hearing!

*Anger boils and explodes*

Narrator's pov

"Ugh, I hate you, I hate you!" she hit his chest with full force, repeatedly until he grabbed her wrists to make her stop.

She yanked her hands out of his hold and watched him with pure hatred.

"Why!!!!! What has my poor dad done to you huh?! All his life he worked for us and you're going to send my dad to jail? For what reason!!!! You bastard give me a legitimate reason!!" she vent all her anger out on him with her yelling.

He closed the gap between them.

"Because your so called naive dad murdered my father bitch! He murdered him with his own hands!! What do you have to say about that huh?" he yelled back and punched the wall beside her head. Managing to scare her.

"Can you even hear yourself Jungkook?! Are you even in your senses? My dad would NEVER do that!"

She pushed his chest to create distance.

"Your dad ready did. He murdered my father for my mum. Your unfaithful father had his eyes on my mom who ended up in coma for 11 years. 11 years Eunha. Do you know the pain one goes through seeing their parent lying like a lifeless figure? Do you know how difficult it was for me to pay for my mum's medical fees? I would barely eat anything because of not having enough money. I worked for your cunning family day and night to only learn about your father's wrong doings when he confessed by himself. He confessed Eunha, your god like father confessed that he killed my father in order to marry my mother. Do you know all that huh? No you don't! You know nothing!!"

As soon as he finished, she swung her hand and slapped him hard. His face resting to the side with red imprints of her fingers on his cheek. She grabbed him by the collar and brought her face closer to his.

" with all my heart! Do you really think I'll believe whatever you've said? I hate you! I hate your cunning plans of trying to get me into bed again!"

She released him as he watched her in amazement.

"Wow, through all my honest answers you still believe that I want you in bed? Fine! If you're acussing me of such things that I didn't plan to do, I'd might as well do it rather than be accused for it."

With that he grabbed onto her wrist and knelt down to throw her over his shoulder.

"Jungkook, don't do it!!!" she screamed as she thrashed around in his grip before getting thrown on the bed.

"Stop...please, you can't betray your best friend like this. How can you touch me knowing that I'm already his?" she cried as she scooted back. Strands of her hair covering her face with the hem of her dress getting further up now as she scooted back to the headboard.

Before she could escape, he grabbed onto her ankle and pulled her under him as he hovered over her.

She begged him with her teary eyes as her hands tried pushing him back to only realise that there was nothing see could've done.

"No. No, NOOOOOO!!" her awful cries filled the room when he tore her dress apart. With that he aggressively pulled her lace lingerie down and threw it away. There she laid completely exposed for him as he intertwined his fingers with hers and slipped his member in. Her cries and sobs filled the room as he continued, with her begging him to stop all night long.

To be continued...

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