Chapter 43: Spanish & Autobús Identity Reveal

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I wake up to bright light. My alarm was going off with my custom ringtones on my music phone. I turned it off and when I saw the time, I just groaned. Getting out of bed, I did my usual routine for every school morning.

First, I get up (levantarme) and brush my hair (cepillarme pelo). [I'm going to stop with the Spanish but that's what I'm going to add later on. Alyssa and Berto talking in Spanish because why not?] After I finish, I grab my backpack and went out the door.

Because I kinda overslept my alarms, it was 7:30 am and I wanted to ride the hoverboard to school. Even if its for one day. "You'll have to be in UltraViolet mode if you want to access the hoverboard." Violet says. 'Then put me in it so I can get to school faster for just one day.' I thought back to her.

Violet sighs but I felt my armor and then I got the hoverboard. I smiled and getting on, I zoom towards my school. Before I could land, someone says my name. "Look, its UltraViolet!" and I immediately landed just in time for the armor to disappear into my regular clothes. "Maybe stealth mode while you're flying is a better idea." Violet suggests.

I grab my breakfast from the cafeteria and started towards my first period classroom. By the time lunch came around, I felt like I was going to eat a fricking pig. I didn't eat the breakfast because I add that to the one sandwich I make for lunch. No free lunch and almost out of bread at home.

I get to the cafeteria and a group of people were chatting and I recognized one of them from Planet 3. I didn't know their name but I knew that the story of the Extroyer incident has reached almost every student ear by now.

"UltraViolet appears out of no where and starts riding that monster thing like before. I even got video this time." They said to their friends. "Wait, slow it down and pause it there." A guy said. I looked over just as I heard the group of students gasp in shock.

"I believe your identity has been revealed. May I delete that video before they post it online?" Violet asked in my head. 'We don't know for sure if they found out about who UltraViolet was or if it was something else. Besides, our time is almost up. Can we please go to the Voltron universe earlier?' I asked Violet.

"Fine. When do you want to go?" she asked. I thought about it and smiled. 'The weekend of my birthday. I turn 16 February 7th so maybe my friends and I can have fun by making it look like the portals are decorations when each one leads to a different universe. So yeah. February 8-9' I answered.

Lunch ends and I'm back in my class and I see on the board the name of the Spanish song the whole class had to sing as a project. It was called 'A Qué Hora Te Despiertas.' I search the lyrics and when I used Google Translate on the lyrics, and realized how short it was. I started to read over the lyrics in their Spanish form just so I knew it and to annoy Violet.

"¿A qué hora te despiertas?

¿A qué hora te levantas?

¿Qué haces por la mañana?

¿Cómo te preparas?

¿A qué hora te despiertas?

¿A qué hora te levantas?

¿Qué haces por la mañana?

¿Cómo te preparas?

Me levanto rápidamente.

Me ducho y me afeito.

Me cepillo los dientes y después, me visto.

Mi hermana se viste lentamente por la mañana.

Se pinta las uñas y se arregla el pelo.

¿Cuánto tiempo necesitas para prepararte?

Me preparo rápidamente. ¡Necesito diez minutos!

¿Cuánto tiempo necesitas para prepararte?

Me preparo rápidamente. ¡Necesito diez minutos!

¿A qué hora te despiertas? ¿A qué hora te levantas?

¿Qué haces por la mañana? ¿Cómo te preparas?

¿A qué hora te despiertas? ¿A qué hora te levantas?

¿Qué haces por la mañana? ¿Cómo te preparas?"

I said slowly sounding out the words I couldn't speak. "Would you stop!? I'm getting a headache trying to translate you. I prefer English, thank you very much." Violet said. '¿Tu prefieres ingles?' I asked her.

"STOP!" she complained. Soon, I breeze through my classes and school is just ending. I'm sitting on my bus listening to my music when the bus stops all of a sudden. I look up and even though we weren't at the first stop, someone special decided to hold us up. 'Dredd!? But I thought he was in Copper Canyon after Max and I left.' I thought to Violet.

"Then let's stop him." Violet says. 'Are you crazy? If you get my armor on now, not only will it reveal who UltraViolet is to the public but because fricking Dredd might try to take you from me again.' I say. "Good point. I'll observe then." Violet says going silent.

"A little kitty told me that I would find UltraViolet on here." Dredd says standing at the front. Because I sit at the front, I'm scared to literally death if he glances at me and remembers from then. Even if he tries to leave me in space, I'll get back on my feet.

Dredd walks down the aisle while the bus driver is calling the police on her phone since Dredd practically destroyed the bus radio system. I then do the stupidest thing ever and I knew that I was going to be scolded for it.

Standing up and turning towards Dredd, I take a deep breath. "Hey Dredd, looking for me?" I taunt. He immediately looks at me and he starts to chuckle. "And here I thought you would fly in to save these students with Max Steel." He says. "You said you wanted me, so I'm here to stop you." I say.

"And you didn't want people to find out who you were but now you've confused me. Armor coming on." Violet says. The students are all whispering as my armor made it clear that I was going to protect them. "You thought I'd let you repeat what you did back when you tried to figure out who Max Steel was? Here's the thing, Dredd. This is my universe and I'm going to send you back to yours after this." I said.

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