Chapter 39: Into Ninjago And Hoverboard Feature?

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The next day seemed like it was normal. Christmas with my family was fun but now it was Friday and I was going to see my friend Morgan. She was going to sleep over and I was just excited.

"But what about Max and Steel?" Violet asked. "This is a girls night. Besides, I need to get away from all this action every now and then. Relax." I said. "Do you even know how to relax?" she asks.

"That's Max who can't relax. But relaxing is simple. My favorite ways to relax is playing Minecraft, watching YouTube, and writing stories. Though sleeping is the best relaxing activity there is." I say.

"And how exactly is sleeping better?" Violet asked. "It just is. Sleeping passes the time easily and helps you feel better." I said. I finish up what I was doing when I heard a knock on the door.

"Violet, belt now!" I said. She links in and then I answer the door to see Morgan. "Morgan!" I say. Morgan and I do our weird friend hug and I lead her to my room. "So what do you want to do first?" I ask.

"I dunno." She said. "Why don't you take her to N-Tek?" Violet suggests in my head. 'No, she can't find out about you.' I thought. "Lets watch something then. Netflix has Max Steel and all." I said.

We came out to the living room and I turn the TV on and went straight to Netflix. I clicked on Max Steel and just as the first episode began playing, Morgan noticed something and read it out loud.

"Present until January 1st." she said. I looked to her and exited the episode to see the very same message and I felt like I was going to explode. "HOW CAN NETFLIX DO THISSSSS!?" I whine. Morgan pats my head and I frown at the TV.

"Isn't there another way for you to watch it?" Violet asked. 'In a way. But at this rate, Max Steel is just going to be left in the dust forgotten.' I tell Violet. "I guess we could go on Plex and watch something there. And I promise I won't take the urge to play the Max Steel movie where Steel says 'Is my mom dangerous?'" I say.

Pretty soon, we're watching Spiderman: Homecoming because Morgan hasn't seen it yet and after that, Fetch with Ruff Ruffman. Anyone else remember that show on PBS Kids?

It soon gets late and we sit in my room as I wrote a chapter for a story of mine while Morgan played Roblox. "Come on Alyssa, let's do something fun." Violet complained. 'No. We're having fun here, nice and simple.' I said.

I checked the time and it was already 10pm. But I look to Morgan and smiled. "Want to come with me to get the mail?" I asked. "Sure." She says. We walked out the door and before I knew it, Morgan had started running. "Morgannnnnn." I complain.

I started running with her and get to the mailbox first. I use the key to open it only to find nothing. "Rip." I said. "I dropped my phone in the grass when we ran." Morgan panted.

It was easy finding it since it was the Samsung Galaxy S8 or S9. You can see the time showing on it and all. Morgan picks up her phone and we walk back to the apartment. But just as I opened the door, Violet pulls a jerk move and we're greeted with a portal that Morgan and I fall into.

"VIOLET!" I yelled as we fell. "Sorry! Glitch in the programming?" Violet suggests as my armor formed halfway. "Hold on tight Morgan, this'll be a rough landing." I said getting in front of her. Wind continues to whip by us until I summon what I thought was a hoverboard.

"Cool! Since when did we get a hoverboard, Violet?" I asked. Violet came out of my belt and links with the board. "Its my surprise I told you about a while ago. That day I took you to that one universe with the cat guy that saved you. I asked Berto if he could help me get it part of the few things you could use." Violet said.

"Then I guess I'll have to thank Berto once you take Morgan and I back." I said. Morgan on the other hand was watching the view until I heard her voice. "Is that Ninjago City?" Morgan asked. I stiffened at the question.

I tried to find words but all I managed was "Uh." I sigh just as we landed. "Just a heads up Alyssa, when you use the hoverboard, you can't really summon your weapons. That's the downside to this upgrade." Violet says. She unlinks from the board and back to the belt just as it disappeared.

"Where's Morgan?" I asked Violet looking around. "She was here with us a second ago. How could she disappear so fast for a human?" Violet asked. I only shrugged.

I started walking around the city in hopes of finding my friend. "Where the frick could Morgan have gone in Ninjago City? Its like the same size as Copper Canyon, more or less." I said.

"What is Ninjago City from exactly?" Violet asked. "Ninjago is a TV show that started in 2011 and season 10 is going to be the best! And Ninjago Legacy but still!" I say excited. "Can you elaborate on what aspect of this show makes it as exciting as you describe it?" she asks.

"If I told you Ninjago's entire history, then we won't be able to find Morgan before sunset. If I were Morgan, where in Ninjago would I go first?" I asked myself and Violet. "Could she have gone in search of the main characters of this show?" Violet asked.

I smiled. "Maybe. But Violet, you really seem like Zane right now. Maybe I could show you some episodes of Ninjago when we get back. And I'll do it at N-Tek so Max and Steel can watch with us." I say. "I don't think you would worry much but, Look out!" Violet says.

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