Chapter 1: Calculate A Math Attack

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I can tell you that the moment I met all of these people, it changed my life. I befriended a techno-organic alien, went to the multiple universes home to my many favorite shows and books, and I became a superhero for my own universe.

I'm guessing you are asking 'What the heck are you talking about?' Well to be honest, its best if I start at the beginning.


I woke up to my alarm and I groan. 'Do I really have to go to school? I'd rather sleep' I thought sleepily. I reluctantly rolled off my bed and begin my morning routine.

I change out of my pajamas and pull out some capris and a shirt that said 'NOPE.' I pull my hair back into a ponytail and then I plop onto my bed to check my phone.

The time read 6:50 am. 'At least I can check on my notifications before my great walk to my bus stop.' I thought. I pulled up Google Hangouts and read what my friends had said in the group chat.

I exit out of that app and check other stuff before opening Wattpad. I read a bit of fanfiction until I saw the time say 7:27 am. 'Time to start heading out.'

I grab my backpack, my phone and head out the door. I walk the 1.2 miles from my apartment to my stop and once I'm there, I was sweating and gnats started to fly around me. If you sweat profusely, don't forget that gnats are attracted to sweat.

It was 8 am when other students began arriving at the bus stop. When 8:10 hit, the bus had arrived and I welcomed the cold air conditioning in the bus. Once all the students from the assortment of stops had been picked up, we finally started to head to the school.

It pulls up and I head to the cafeteria to get my breakfast then go to my homeroom/1st period classroom. I go through my usual school day and once I'm in my Geometry class, it happened.

I walk into my Geometry class and got started on the bell work. I had to find x to solve the equation and all that jazz. The few minutes it took me to complete it was how long it took until the back of the classroom burst open.

Everyone grabbed their belongings and went towards the door. The intruders were one giant thing made of stone and the other just floating next to its partner as though it was hesitating.

I then realized what they were; Ultralinks. The stone ultralink looks at all of us and he bellowed a roaring question. "Which one of you puny humans goes by the name ItsLavender?"

My blood went cold and my skin felt clammy. 'What do they want with me? I'm pretty sure I never messed with any of them.' I thought. Because everyone was quiet and crowding the corner that had the door, the stone ultralink decided to flip some desks.

That queued everyone but me to leave. "Omega x273, Link and Weaponize." The stone ultralink commanded the floating ultralink. It hesitated and then it said the one thing that I know it would get in big trouble for.

"I can't. I don't believe that we should attack innocent humans to find ItsLavender as Lord Makino had wanted." Omega x273 said. Stone ultralink roared but Omega x273 shot a beam at him and the stone ultralink was knocked out of the classroom.

Good thing the classroom was on the second floor. I look at Omega x273 and they lock their eye with my own eyes. "I'm very sorry about this invasion, but I am glad that I broke away from Lord Makino. I imagine everyone else will see me as weak as Atksteel and Torbolt." It said.

"Is there something I can call you instead of Omega x273?" I asked. Omega x273 put one of its flipper hands as though they were thinking. "I believe that would be most appropriate. I love your planet's flowers. Do you think you can give me a name from one of those?" It asks.

I think for a moment. Daisy, no. Rose, no. Periwinkle, no. I couldn't think of anything until I think purple. "How about Violet? You have purple on you so it'd make sense." I point out.

Violet flew over to me. "I like that. And what is your designation, human?" She asked. "Alyssa. Now let's get out of here before your ex buddy wakes up and starts to attack us." I say. Violet flies into my backpack and I head out of the classroom and heard the announcements go off.

"Attention all teachers and students, you are to head to your evacuation stations. Students who do not know where their teacher's evacuation place is, just follow other students to get to an evacuation point. You are to remain there until the police have taken care of the creature that attacked multiple classes. Thank you and have a great day."

I roll my eyes but proceeded to the football field. Since I knew that the stone ultralink was looking for me or ItsLavender, I stayed with the rest of the students even if I was endangering them.

Thirty minutes pass and I'm already bored out of my mind. I pull out my phone and just before I got on Wattpad to read, something popped up. I looked around and I heard a lot of students complaining about this pop-up.

But it had a message with it. And I could hardly understand it. The only two words that I processed were Earth and destruction. Everyone was panicking and no one knew what was happening.

I open my backpack a bit to look to Violet. "Any idea of the message everyone received?" I asked. "I can only think that it was Makino. Because in another universe, he was defeated by a heroine known as Max Steel. He had help from other humans that called themselves N-Tek." Violet says.

"So if I'm processing this right, the TV show Max Steel is real!?" I ask. "I don't know what you mean by TV show but yes, Max Steel is in fact real." Violet confirms. A smile finds it way onto my face. The biggest smile that also may hurt for a bit after loosening it.

This is the one thing I've dreamed of to happen in a way. Characters from my favorite shows to become real and I could interact with them. Makes me think of other shows that could be real as well. Miraculous, Ninjago, Aikatsu, and so many others!

Next chapter should be out tomorrow! Hope you all enjoyed!

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