Chapter 37: Hot Chocolate & Max Steel Origins

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I struggled but nothing worked. The metal around me tightened and I suppressed my scream of pain only for tears to come out. "Don't worry, Alyssa. Everything is going to be fine. I'm sure Max and Steel are on their way right now." Violet says in my head.

'Do you really think so? The bell is going to ring in a few minutes and he's probably on the other side of the school, still taking his exam.' I said. On cue, the bell rings and students are hurrying if they had been close to the scene.

"To think UltraViolet was a petty human that befriended the most powerful ultralink Master Makino has created. I thought you had some power like Max Steel but, I was wrong. You will perish here and now!" Metal Elementor said.

I felt my breath get pushed out and the pain was unbearable. I didn't want to scream but I ended up doing it. "MAX STEEL!" I said at the top of my lungs. The metal continued to get tighter and I thought I would die right then and there.

A flash of blue appeared and I knew that it was Turbo Speed. "Max!" I breathed. He carefully frees me with Turbo Strength and I collapse to the ground sucking in as much air as I could.

I heard Max fighting but I didn't look up because I felt so weak. A hand comes down on my shoulder and I looked up to see Max with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked. I gave a weak chuckle.

"In a way, we're more similar than we know. But yes, I'm moderately okay." I said. "Did he take you from your class or something?" Max asked. "No. But he punched a hole in my geometry classroom. Elementor seriously should've waited until after school to attack. And I might've transformed in front of my geometry class just to stop Elementor." I said.

Max picks me up and takes me to get my stuff. I grab my backpack and my violin case and together, we walked to the bus before they started to leave. We sit down and I'm gulping my water bottle down.

"Slow down! You'll make yourself have to go to the bathroom." He says. "Maybe that's what I was trying to do." I say with a wink. Max shakes his head just as we got to our stop.

We walk a bit until I turned to Max. "You know, I wish I could get you a gift. I just don't have any money and I'll be busy with my family. It would make sense to take you back to your universe so you could spend the holidays with your parents. I still have yet to meet your dad, now that I think about it." I said.

"That would be nice but if I'm away and you end up getting hurt trying to defend people, I'll feel bad finding out later on." He says. "I guess you're right." I muttered.

Max takes his arm and pulls me close into a hug. Not only did this surprise me but, I felt like I shouldn't let him go despite how he should be with Sydney and not me. "Max, I-" he cuts me off with a smile.

"Lets enjoy the holidays together. We are a great team together after all." He says. My face lit up and I just smile and nod. We get to my apartment and we just hang out a bit. "Hey Max? Do you want some hot chocolate?" I asked.

"Sure. 'Tis the season, am I right?" He says with a chuckle. I smiled softly but got to work on our hot chocolate. I preferred using milk to bring out the chocolate but I decided to use water because there wasn't much milk in the fridge.

I hand Max his cup and a candy cane in it. "I've heard that hot chocolate and candy canes go well together. Technically I read it in a story by samseaa but that's besides the point." I said.

"I don't understand much of what you said but I think we should watch something while these are hot." Max says. "My friend Derek told me that he watches The Polar Express movie while drinking hot chocolate. Maybe a Christmas movie could work." I suggested.

I reach for the remote only to see it disappear. "Violet!" I whine. I look to my right and find Max rubbing his eyes. "Where are we?" He asked. I shrugged.

Violet came out of my belt while Steel came out of Max's chest. "I'm sorry! I don't know whats wrong with my abilities but I don't know how long it'll be until I can get us back." Violet says.

"Are you sure you'll be able to fix the problem without Berto?" I ask. "Steel could help me but we'll need to be in Max's backpack while we do it." She says. "I guess we get to explore this universe until then." Max says.

I sighed. "First things first, we need to find out where we are by looking for the main character or characters. Once I recognize the character/characters, then I will know where we are." I said.

We walk around a bit but with no avail, none of the people looked familiar to me. That is, except one. "Max, look at that guy. I think he might be the main character of whatever show or book universe we're in." I said to him.

Max nods and we jog over to him just as the guy got in his car. The guy starts to drive away and causing us to run. We continue running until the guy swings his car around and starts towards us.

"Maybe we should have thought this through. Should I go Turbo?" Max asked. I shook my head. "Steel needs to help Violet so you're gonna have to dive out of the way like now!" I said as we split.

I hear the car motor stop and look up to find the guy looking down at me. "So, why were you and your buddy following me?" He asks. "We're lost and when I saw you, I thought you could help us." I squeaked.

The guy helps me up and Max comes over to us. "I'm Josh." He introduced. "Alyssa and this is my friend Max." I said. "Alyssa, there's something up with this place. Like someone wanted us here." Max says.

"Is something wrong?" Josh asked. I shook my head until I noticed a familiar symbol. "That's the N-Tek symbol from the old Max Steel." I said. "Yeah, my dad is the CEO and I use their extreme sports equipment for competitions." Josh says.

A smile appeared on my face confusing both Max and Josh. "Whatever you must be thinking has to be about where we are." Max said. "I guess I was right when I saw you, Josh McGrath." I said.

Josh starts backing away while Max was trying to comprehend my words. "McGrath? But are you sure that's his last name?" Max asks. "I don't know how you know me but I'm going to get going now." Josh says.

"Wait! I can explain but if you don't trust us, take us somewhere you know is secure. And Max won't be allowed to use his powers." I said. "You can't be serious! I don't trust this guy and he probably doesn't trust us! Alyssa, tell me you have a plan?" Max asked. "Its more of an idea/theory. But welcome to the old Max Steel from 2000." I said.

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