Chapter 9: Its All Fun And Games, They Said

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I got through the school day easily and since it was Friday, I had to go to the gaming league meeting. All we really do is play a bunch of games from 2:15- 4:30pm.

I was getting better at the game Heroes of The Storm. But for some reason, Violet decided now would be the best time to yap away.

"Violet, please quiet down. I can't concentrate with you talking." I whispered to her. "I'm sorry. I'm bored out of my mind. I would go to see Steel but you probably don't want me to fly out of your backpack all of a sudden." Violet says.

"You got that right. Just let me know when its 4:30pm, okay?" I ask her. She mumbles a 'yeah' and I just kept playing the game.

Once I had finished the third match with my team, all the computers (or PCs) switched to the same game.

No one knew what it was until they just started playing it. 'How did the Max Steel Turbo Warrior game get to this universe?' I asked myself.

"It was probably Berto or Max and Steel." Violet suggests in my head. I shrugged and just started playing. I picked CY.T.R.O as my character and I thought it was fun.

It felt like a few minutes later when Violet sounded an alarm in my head. 'What was that for?' I ask in my head.

"Its 4:30pm. You told me to let you know and I did." Violet says. I sigh as I log off the computer and head out.

"I low-key wanted to continue playing. Also, how long do we have until Makino is at Earth?" I asked Violet.

"I don't know. I was only brought here by an advance ship. The Alphalink will probably arrive in about three of your Earth weeks." She says.

"Oof. That's really close. I hope Max and Steel are ready for Makino 4.0 because he's making a beeline to Earth's destruction." I joke.

"Makino 4.0?" Violet asks. "This will technically be the fourth time Max and Steel will have to face Makino." I say.

"Okay. Now would you like to get home by portal or walking? Or do you want to go to N-Tek.?" Violet asks.

"I guess N-Tek. I kind of feel obligated to train and help Max and Steel now. But only because I have you with me." I say.

Violet makes a portal in front of me and once I walk through, I was at N-Tek. Steel just so happened to have appeared as well.

"Hey Alyssa and Violet. If you're looking for Max, he's in Berto's lab." Steel says. I nod and Violet leaves the belt to be with Steel.

I find Max watching Berto trying to do something on his computer. "Hey Max." I say.

"Hey. Any trouble or has everything been peaceful?" he asks. "I kind of want to hit some ultralinks but obviously not our friends. And I want to finish the fight with Naughty. I honestly think he didn't want to be taken out by a girl." I say.

He chuckles. "So do you want to go a few rounds in the holo-sim with me then? You could do what you just said." Max says.

"I guess that'll have to do until we have to get into action again. I still wish that I could see you once this is over." I say.

We head over to the holo-sim and we did a good three hours worth of training. At least I can punch my problems into the holographic enemies.

We almost continued for another hour if Berto hadn't turned the simulation off. "Aw come on! I'm sure I could've gone for much longer." I complain.

"Sorry. Commander Forge wanted me to make sure you guys didn't overdo the training. The human body can only take so much before tiring out." Berto says.

"I'm pretty sure Max could train for at least five hours if he and Steel didn't go off to watch cheesy cop movies." I say.

"Hey! That was one time. Besides, we never really finished any of the movies because we feel asleep." Max says.

"You guys should go eat and rest. Maybe tomorrow will be better for your boredom." Berto says leaving.

I look to Max and he shrugs. "Guess we lost track of time. I'm usually the one person who continuously looks at a watch for the time. But I really do that at school and if I'm given a specific time to be somewhere or something." I say.

"So what do you want to do now? After we eat, obviously." Max asked. "I guess watch a movie or some kind of TV show." I suggest.

"You could show me the show you said was about Steel and I. I kind of want to see how you viewed my life through a screen rather than being present." He says.

We grab some pizza and water and we relaxed as I put a movie on. After it ended, I yawned which caused Max to yawn as well.

"Time to sleep. We should continue training after breakfast tomorrow." I say. He nods and the two of us got comfy in our recliners and fell asleep.

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