Chapter 4:Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning


I wake up screaming. I'm drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. The black sedan is just about to hit my car. Juliette’s piercing scream is still ringing in my ears. My heart is still pounding. Not exactly something I want to remember. I brush my hair back and tightly close my eyes. I thought the doctors said that I have memory damage from that night. I thought I wasn't going to remember it. Then again, they said I would have trauma.

"Breathe in and out. In and out," I chant to myself, trying my best to calm my racing heart. I keep chanting until I have calmed down. Which took quite awhile considering how worked up I got.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom asks. I yelp in surprise and my eyes shoot open. 

"God, you scared me."

"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean too," My mom says. I gave her a tight smile, hoping she would believe it isn't fake. 

"So are you ready to go see Juliette?" My mom asks gently. I nod my head. I push myself up with my elbows, wincing. I turn in my bed so my legs are sticking out. Well one is sticking out and the other leg is dangling. Stupid, broken leg. My mom pushes the wheelchair to me. I get on my one good leg and hop over to the chair on wheels. With the help of my mom, I gently sit myself in the wheelchair. 

"Things have to be so damn hard now. It's aggravating as hell!" I complain.

"Shows that you can't take anything for granted," My mom says, going all wise on me.

"Yeah, had to learn that the hard way."

"Unfortunately." My mom pushes me out of the room and to the elevator. I push the down button and sit back in my chair waiting for it to come.

"Okay. There's a couple things the nurses told me to tell you." My mom starts. I felt my heart drop and my breath hitch in my throat. What if it's really bad news? Could it be? I don't think I could handle it. Not now, not ever.

"They want you to be happy. At least sound it. Talk to her, as if she was conscious. I know that's hard since she isn’t, but you have to try." 

I clench my fists, my teeth barred and I shut my eyes. I don’t know if I will be able to be happy sounding, when I'm so miserable. I hear a ding and my mom push me forward. The elevator is here.

"Why? How can I act happy when my friend is lying there, half dead? That's impossible!" I snap. My mom sighs.

"I know, sweetie. You have to try though. There's a theory where people in comas can hear what's being said around them. If you sound unhappy and mad then that might make Juliette think that she should give up. Just act happy. Please?" My mom begs. I sigh, but know I have to try.

"I'll do anything for Juliette." I say.

"That's my girl."


I was in the room. I can’t believe I’d made it this far. I can't believe I'm right beside Juliette, looking onto her. She looks so peaceful sleeping. It's hard to ignore the damage done, though. Her face is scarred, all cut up. I can’t see under the blankets, but I know the rest of her body is in critical condition.

Act happy, act happy. You can’t let her hear the despair in your voice. I instruct myself. Taking a deep breath, I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Not a single sound. I take a couple more breaths and then try again. 

"Hey Juli, it's me, Abigale," I say, trying my best to sound somewhat happy but, my voice betrays me and cracks.

Thank you very much voice for doing that. I'm trying to cheer her up, not make her feel like she needs to come and comfort me like always. I growl at myself. I give a half cough and continue. 

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