I sit across her. "Mae, stop laughing at my own expense."

"Oh I'm sorry, Oon. By the way, I've sent you a copy of the record." She laughs again. And people still ask why I'm crazy?

"Mae! Stop sending it to me. I'm not going to watch it. I won't watch anything that you're going to send me." My Mae loves sending me meme compilation videos or oddly satisfying videos but most of the time, she sends me disturbing videos every single night.

"Your loss," She pulls a white envelope from her folder. "Oh, by the way, this was sent to us a while ago."

I accept the envelope. "What's this?"

"Remember that very cool girl who used to live here? Just right beside my office?"

"P'Min? The girl you told me is a lesbian?" Although I've told her many times not to judge other people's sexuality by their actions because it's wrong and insensitive, she does it sometimes.

"Yeah. Well, turns out she's not a lesbian because she's getting married tomorrow and she sent us an invitation but I can't come so just go there on your own."

"I'll be out of place there. I don't wanna go there."

"Oon, they won't care about you whether you're there or not. It's Min's day, so just go there to show that you support her. Come on, it'll break her heart if any of us won't go there."

"Okay, okay. Gee, you give so much responsibility to me."

"And yet, you're still not responsible."

"I am responsible."

"If you're responsible, you wouldn't puke on Kongpob."


She's not going to make me forget it.


Holding my gift, I walk in front of P'Min.

"P'Min. Here." I give her my gift.

"Oh Oon," She hugs me tight. "I'm so glad you could come. I'm sorry for the late invitation."

"It's okay P', I'm sorry Mae couldn't come. She's busy."

"It's okay. You look so handsome now."

"Thanks, P', I'll go sit outside."

"Of course. Enjoy."

I nod and leave her to entertain the other guests. I walk to the table and get myself a glass of punch. I'm so thirsty.

"Why is there no pink milk here?" I ask myself as I look around the table hoping to see my favorite drink but I found none.

"You're the only one obsessed with pink milk." Someone speaks from beside me. I look at the person beside me and I see Kong.

Oh gods he looks so hot wearing a tux. I bite my bottom lip. He really looks so hot.

"Kong? Why are you here?"

"I was invited." Well, yeah. Obviously.

"No, I meant, how?"

"The groom's my cousin. How about you? Why are you here?"

"The bride's someone I know."

He nods and smiles. "How's life? I feel like I haven't seen you for so long."

Yeah, and whose fault is that? You're the one here who decided to ignore and leave me in the first place.

"I was busy with my classes."

Story of Us • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now