He pats my cheek. "You just don't know how life works."

I pull away from his touch. "Stop touching me. We're not close."

"True. But you want to be."

He's so confident it's irritating.

I stay quiet.

"Anyway, I have something to offer to you. I will stop this," He gestures on his back where his speaker is placed. "Whatever you're annoyed to but you have to do my 3 wishes."

"What?! Who do you think I am? I'm not your genie."

"Okay then. Goodbye Kongpob. See you never." He's about to close his door but I stop it and push it to peek inside his room but he closes it behind him.

He smiles at me. "I know you will accept my offer."

"You're such a devil." I swear. He's a devil living in an angel's body.

He smirks. "Anyway, the first command, you have to give me pink milk-"

I scoff. That, I can do. I can afford pink milk. "Okay. That's easy."

"- Every single day. Twice a day."

"What?!" I grit my teeth. I'm triggered again. This guy, damn I just want to punch. I really really want to punch him right now.

I lower my voice. Again, I need to be careful, I just have one more chance and I'm out. "Just how much pink milk you can stuff in your body? You'll be diabetic."

"I don't care. That's my wish."

"Since the first day I met you, I've already told you I'm fucking broke. Not only that, but I also had to buy you the earphones and those shits are expensive only to know you won't use it. So you see I've already wasted my money on you," I take my wallet out. "Look. My wallet's barely breathing and now you're asking me to buy you pink milk and not just once, but every day? I'm not rich."

"Then I guess you have to work."

"No. I'm not going to work just to buy you your pink craps."

"So I guess the deal's canceled then?"

I groan. He's blackmailing me. "Can't you change that? How about I clean your room for you instead?"

"That's a one-time thing Kong."

"Then I'll clean your room every week or... every day."

"I don't want you entering my room."

"Okay then pick something else that doesn't consist of spending my money."

"Nope. That's my wish, if you can't do that then there's no deal happening between the two of us. So is it a deal or no deal?"

I sigh. To be honest, I still have extra money with me but I am planning to buy it the latest pokemon games and life-size pokemon collectibles for my collection but it looks like it won't happen anymore since this guy happens.

"What Kong? What's your answer? I'm waiting."

He crosses his arms in front of him and leans on the door.

I sigh. There's nothing I can do anymore. It's either I complete my collection or I'll be homeless.

"Sure. Sure. Whatever."

I can't believe I just give up my collection just so I can buy P'Arthit his pink milk.

He smiles and pinches my cheek. "Awe thank you Kong, you are the best. You really love me."

"You're manipulating me."

"I'm not. I'm helping you."

"What's the second deal?" I just want this all to be finished.

"I haven't thought of it yet so it's still on hold."


"So we don't have to talk anything anymore right?"


"Okay then because I have to review."

"W-wait wait wait, what's your course again?"

"That's for me to know and for you to not know."

He closes his door but I stop it. I just realized something. "The first deal, when will it stop?"

"Until I said so."

"Then when are you going to stop listening to Taylor Swift? Until you also like to think so? Because then it will be non-sense since I really really need to review two weeks from now."

"I told you I'm not going to stop-"

"Yes, but when are you going to stop annoying me?"

"Oh don't worry Kong, if I've realized you're worthy of not being annoyed anymore, I'm stopping this even though you haven't finished all my three wishes."

"So you're telling me that you really have the intention of annoying me?"

He smirks. "Did I say that?"

"You said it."


"A while ago."

"How can you tell I've said that?"

"Because you said-damn I'm not playing one of your mind games anymore."

"See you tomorrow Kong."

He closes his door. I didn't stop him anymore.

Oh losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark gray all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
'Cause loving him was red
Yeah, yeah red
We're burning red.

P'Arthit's like the song. He's all the colors in a color spectrum. He's all mysterious, crazy, and wild.

He can never be just one color.

But the majority of him is probably a red color.

The color of evilness.


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