Chapter 14

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I never remembered how infuriating airports are until I stepped foot in one. All the horrible memories I had accumulated seemed to vanish once I reached my destination. As soon as I arrive at the winged circus it all came rushing back. The terrible lines and overpriced food filled my memory. Being trapped with the only way of escape to endure.  

Walking against the tiled floors of the DFW airport my tragic airport stories resurfaced. Each cringe-worthy scene playing in my mind as we reached our gate. Surprisingly a majority of the dull blue seats were empty. The vacancy welcoming all of us to sit, awaiting our mechanical bird. I plant myself next to the information kiosk, Basil beside me, Lucca beside him, Beaton beside him. Then across from me looking like a dark cloud sat Flynn Wesley. He sat with his arms crossed, slouched, scowling as if someone had pissed in his coffee. Infuriating.

Flynn was so infuriating. Ever since his outburst we had remained strangers, and I had spent every moment wiping him from my memory. Each kiss, held hand, false I love you. I wanted it all gone.

The woman in the blue vest announces that we'll begin boarding in about ten minutes. I mentally thank her, the avoiding eye contact game with Flynn was becoming quite difficult.

" Do you want the rest of my drink," Basil whispers in my ear. I shrug away slightly startled, causing Basil to stifle a laugh. I shake my head turning away from him, and towards the big glass window.

" It's all going to be okay, you know that Gray."

My lips form into straight line, " I sure hope so."

Basil sneaks his hand in mine for the second time. I can't fight the warmth it brings me. The mere sensation I felt from being this close to him brought me a sense of ease I didn't recognize. We sit there until boarding groups are called. The letter B leaves the stewardess's mouth and we get in line. I can feel Beaton and Flynn staring at mine and Basil's interlocked hands.

The line moves swiftly before I could blink I was trapped in the isles of the plane. Glancing down at my ticket, I locate my seat dragging Lucca behind me. We slide into the row in the back of the plane situating myself in the window seat, leaving Luc in the middle.

He doesn't protest like I think he will. Lucca was oddly calm, which is saying a lot for an eight-year-old.

" How long does it take to get to New York Gray," he asks yawning. I ponder it for a bit before responding.

" I think about 4 hours."

" Jesus, well, in that case, I'm taking a nap," Lucca announces a little too loudly. I laugh at his declaration as Lucca snuggles into the leather seat shutting his eyes. Dozed off his light snores fill the plane as more people pile on. The gallery of individuals rather bland aside from one single figure. She was arguably the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. As she stopped at my row, I felt inferior. She smiled at me, and when she did, her grin became the definition of perfection.

" Good morning," she chirps, making her English accent prominent. I returned the gesture, as she takes the vacant spot beside me. She was ethereal, long black hair cascading down her back.

" Would you like a piece of gum," she offers, rummaging through her purse.

" Oh no I'm fine, thank you though," I decline politely. At my answer, she merely shrugs shoving the stick of gum in her mouth.

" What's bringing you to New York," she questions. I pause slightly before answering. My brain concocting a story that sounds saner than the truth.

" Needed a change of scenery. I'm trying to become an artist, so it seemed like a good move."

Her eyes light up at my response. " An artist huh, that's so cool. You know I took a sketch class once. I was rubbish," she laughs, and I join her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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