Chapter 1

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My eyes flutter close as the guitar fills my ears. The soft chords dancing in the air, as the sound of car horns, blare, acting as a modern symphony. My heartbeat slows down matching the tempo of his song. Every syllable that leaves his pink lips seeming to drip with gold.

The sound of his breath soothing, a comfort, allowing myself to fall asleep in his arms. My chest rising and collapsing, acting as a metronome. The sound of the strings a lasting memory, until I drift asleep, into the dark abyss.

Reflecting now It wasn't the crack that woke me first. It was being crushed underneath his body. Trapped underneath his dead weight. Crying out his name like it was the only thing I knew. Every appendage I once adored now trapping me to this mocking shell of him.

A grunt leaves my lips, as I slowly uncurl his now cold hands from around my waist. The abrasive removal exposing red fingerprint marks. I grip the floor sliding out from underneath his fallen six-foot frame. Struggling I scoot myself away allowing a clear view of his splayed body upon the alabaster rug. His body laying there eerily peaceful. Covered in a gray flannel that once made me swoon, its granite color now only reminiscent of the tombstone in which he would lay.

It was a twisted masterpiece. Red splattered perfectly like roses scattered in the snow. I stayed frozen, my mouth numb, as bitter tears fell quietly down my pailing cheeks. His guitar now laid soundlessly beside him, with dots red as an apple decorating it's wooden frame. A sob escapes my lips as the wind whips through the shattered window. I can barely make out the fleeting sound of a voice, only working further to unnerve me.

I sit and wait for the next shot to come.

Strangely I wanted it to come. To rip through me like it mercilessly did to him. To turn me into a disturbing work of art. For me to become a mystery- a puzzle for pathologists to solve effortlessly. I wanted to disappear and finish my existence. And I felt myself dissolving into a figure undeserving of life.The thoughts running through my mind frightening.

I continue to wait, my muscles clenched bracing for the bullet. My hands clinging to one another so tightly, I was sure I'd left a prominent bruise. I waited.The disturbingly sweet smell of death filling my nostrils,churning my stomach at a tempo that would challenge Apollo. I watched the silver moon glide across the dark night sky kissing the stars as it passed by them. Its dimming light being overpowered by the sun,as the night broke apart. The star's radiance shining, glistening off of my translucent tears.

I waited for it to come.

I prayed for it to come. Nervously I bit my lip, releasing a shaky sob. I had folded my body in a tight ball beside his unmoving body. I felt myself shake, my bag of bones wracked with sobs. The tears came heavy and unwanted, continuing to fall overwhelming me. All I wanted was to re-enter the abyss I had hours ago, this time I just didn't want to wake up.

The front door flies open with a loud bang. Forcing me to become aware of the blaring sirens I had tuned out. Rough hands pull me up from the floor. Voices questioning my mental state, as men filed into our apartment, their badges gleaming in the infiltrating sunlight. Ignoring their presence, I continued to cry. I laid limp in the officer's arms, wanting to sink into the ground.My body highly unresponsive as questions were fired at me. At my silence the man who held me sighed, and shook is head at my interpreted defiance.

" We are taking you down to the station," he spoke calmly. But his words burned my ears igniting something in me. I began to thrash in the man's arms, attempting to escape his steel grip. I grumbled curses elbowing the cop in the ribs running towards the body, but hands grab me restraining me. I writhe in the officer's embrace, being taken out of the apartment. As his body escaped my view more tears fall. I was helpless.

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