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Okay so please don’t hate me. I took a writing hiatus back in May and it's become more permanent than anticipated. My motivation for writing has gone completely awol and I don’t think it will be back anytime soon. I have different priorities in my life right now and I’m actually really happy with how things are.

As WAFD isn’t yet finished though, I kinda feel weird about having it half done and left in the open. I want to tell the story and I know what happens but I have no motivation whatsoever to finish getting it out of my brain and onto a page so you guys can read it. Because it’s half finished, I also don’t think I can completely switch off from this blog whilst having it hanging over me.

As such, the below is a summary of what happens. It reveals the end game. Everything else I had planned. So please only continue to read if you want to know without having to wait however many years it takes for the writing mojo to reappear - if it ever does which I don’t think it will. I’m super sad because I loved this story so much but I’m also not going to force it out when writing isn’t something that brings me joy at the moment. So anyway, here goes.

Also - Laura is the reader character. I originally was going to make her an OC but I didn't think anyone would read it - I was super suprised this story got as much love as it did. My tumblr followers and I just then got into the habit of calling the character Laura when we were discussing the story. So when I was writing this out it just became easier to call her Laura.


After the big reveal the next day Laura finds Spencer passed out in his dad’s study. He’s been drinking and is surrounded by his father’s journals. The study is a complete mess. Laura calls the university and tells them he’s sick and then Diana turns up. Laura and Diana talk whilst Spencer is still asleep and then Laura leaves for work. Later on in the day Diana comes into the diner and explains that Spencer is a mess. She’s told him everything is true and also revealed the truth to JJ who suspected the affairs so isn’t as hard hit by the truth. Over the next week Spencer doesn’t go to work. He spends all day drinking and rereading the journals. He won’t talk to anyone about what’s going on in his head and he trashes his father’s study. Laura takes care of him as much as she can when she’s at home, trying to make him eat and covering him up with blankets when she’s finds him passed out. Late in her shift at the diner, Will and his partner come in to collect her. There’s been an accident and Spencer was involved. Luke is at the diner too and offers to accompany her to the hospital. She declines.

At the hospital it’s revealed that Spencer is hurt, but not badly. He went out to get more alcohol and in his drunken state, walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle. They keep him in hospital for the next 48 hours, more at Diana’s insistence because she’s worried about him than because he actually needs to be there. Laura messages Luke to tell him Spencer is okay and that she’s on her way home and when she arrives, Luke is there waiting for her. She breaks down in tears in his arms, telling him everything about William Reid and his sordid past and how Diana had asked her to find a way to tell Spencer, believing it to be the only way he’ll stop turning into his father. Nothing happens between Luke and Laura aside from him comforting her.

When Spencer’s time in hospital is up, he decides that he needs to take some time away from everyone. The news about his father has completely thrown him and he doesn’t know how to handle it. He leaves to go and stay with a family friend in another state, telling Laura that he realises their marriage is in disrepair and that once he’s back, he’ll make things right one way or another. He asks to stay in the house, telling her it’s her home right now and seeing as he won’t be there, she can relax a little.

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now