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Luke continued driving, not speaking to you but you could feel him glancing at you every few moments. Eventually he pulled up outside a large house, not too dissimilar in style to the Reid's house. You both exited the car, hurrying to the front door which Luke banged on loudly. Seconds later it was opened by Emily.

"Luke, hey. To what do we owe this pleasure.... Y/N.... oh shit, what's happened. Come in come in." Her confused but pleased smile at her evening visitors disappeared as she saw you drenched, with bloodstains on your face and shirt. She ushered you into the kitchen, calling for Tara who quickly appeared at the sound of her partner's voice.

"What is it babe?" Tara did a double take when she saw you and Luke in her kitchen, her eyes quickly raking over you. "Y/N? What happened?"

You were suddenly so overcome with emotion that you couldn't speak, the words stopping and sticking in your throat. Tara approached you, pushing your rain soaked hair out of your eyes, quickly realising the source of the blood was not your face. She gently tugged your hand out from under your armpit, Luke's hoody now ruined, leading you to the sink and inspecting the damage.

"Y/N?" she tried again, turning the tap so that a thin stream of water flowed out and holding your hand under it, being careful to avoid the cut itself.

"I found her walking down the main route into town. She and Spencer had an argument and he threw her out." Luke still had anger in voice, and you were momentarily concerned that he was going to show up on your husbands doorstep.

"Why is she hurt though?" Emily asked him, her voice coated in disbelief and concern.

"He threw a wine glass at the wall, apparently."

Emily moved to your side, resting her hand softly on your shoulder. "Did Spencer do this to you Y/N? You can tell us sweetie."

You shook your head, finding your voice. "He didn't hurt me, Emily."

"He threw you out into the middle of an thunderstorm, when you were bleeding!" Luke was pacing the kitchen now.

"He didn't physically harm me though."

Luke muttered something under his breath which you didn't quite catch, before speaking in his normal voice. "Em, can I use your bathroom please?"

She directed him to where it was before turning back to you.

"You promise me he didn't hurt you."

"He didn't do anything to me physically. He yelled and threw the wine glass and I slipped on the floor trying to get out."

"Babe, will you fetch my medical bag for me? And maybe some towels and dry clothes for Y/N?"

Emily nodded and disappeared, returning a few minutes later with the items Tara asked for. Tara wrapped your hand with a towel, instructing you to change first before you caught pneumonia. She pointed their utility room off to the side of kitchen out and you quickly shed your sodden clothes and pumps, climbing into warm sweats. When you came back there was a glass of amber coloured liquid set out on the table as well as a steaming cup of what looked to be coca. Tara had laid out another towel and some items from her bag. Nodding her head towards a seat, you took it and held your hand back out.

"It's a little deeper than I'd like so I'm going to give you a few stitches okay?"

You nodded, quickly taking a drink of the whiskey as she cleaned your hand with antiseptic, the sting making you wince.

"I'm.... I'm going to see where Luke has got to," Emily suddenly announced, leaving the room. Luke had been gone for an usually long time.

"She hates blood would you believe it? Which working with the amount of sharp knives that she does, is not a good thing," Tara started suturing your palm, you looking away and at the door as she did, taking another deep glug on the drink. "You'll need to try and keep it as dry as you can for the next few days, and try not to use it as much. Are you right handed?" You nodded. "That's good then. You'll at least be able to get by."

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz