Twenty Three

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That night you went to bed but you didn't sleep. Everything was milling around in your brain, all of the thoughts and feelings that had been disturbed within the last few weeks just wouldn't leave you alone. You almost wished that nothing had happened, that you and Spencer had just gone on living in your marriage that wasn't a marriage, both of you living your lives pretending that you were okay. Except now you knew that you weren't, although you'd really known that all along. You'd not been okay for a long time and that went much deeper than you marrying Spencer Reid, losing Lara, and everything that had happened since, not that you realised that at this time. No, that would take a while to resurface again, something that must be touched upon and dealt with in order for you to realise your existence and to truly move on. But that would come later. 

When the morning came you were exhausted, Emily coming onto your room as she had done most mornings with coffee, taking one look at your face and knowing. 

"Oh Y/N, babe. I'm sorry for last night. I just don't want you to...." she stopped, checking herself. "You'll always have a home here, no matter what. I may have been smashed out of my skull but I remember calling you my sister and I mean that. Tara and I can be your family." 

You appreciated her words, you really did even though you had no idea what reasons she had for feeling so close to you already. You wanted to change the subject though, to draw it away from last night and onto something positive and productive.
"What time is my interview today again?" It was at 11am before the diner got super busy and you knew this but it was a change of topic. 

"Babe, it's hardly an interview. Grant Anderson will take my word and hire you. It's just a formality really. And it's at 11." 

"You can't just say he'll take your word though. It's been years since I've waitressed." 

"It's like riding a bike Y/N, trust me. And you said you did silver service right? Once you've done that, it's all ingrained." 
She grinned widely at you. "Now, pancakes? If you're gonna me working at Al's you're soon gonna learn that much to my deep distain, nothing beats his pancakes. So I want one last at attempt at making you think that mine are the best in town." 

"Sure Em, sure." You hauled yourself out of bed and grabbed your cell, noticing a text from Jennifer... JJ, wishing you good luck for today. You smiled and text back, thanking her, thinking how quickly your relationship with her had done a 180. 

After breakfast you agonised over what to wear, Emily telling you that there was no need to dress up because it was just Al's diner not some fancy restaurant in the big city. In the end you settled on smart jeans and a shirt, comfortable sneakers on your feet. Emily assured you that you looked fine and the Grant wouldn't care how you were dressed. 

She drove you there, pulling up outside of a pleasant looking diner only a few miles past the Reids house. She led you inside and you were greeted with a delicious smell that made your stomach grumble and your mouth water. The place wasn't too busy right now but if the food tasted as good as it smelt, you could bet it got a lot busier around meal times. 

"Grant, hey!" Emily approached the counter, greeting a friendly looking guy behind the counter. 

"Emily, great to see you." He turned to you with a warm smile. "And you must be Y/N?" 

You nodded, feeling slightly nervous. 

"So Emily's told me you're in need of a job and considering I'm in need of a waitress it seems we might be in a position to help each other out." 

"Yes Mr Anderson, that's right. Although I do feel I should be honest with you, I haven't worked in around four years. I mean I'll be a hard worker once I've gotten to grips with things and I'm sure it wouldn't take me long, but I just wanted to be honest." 

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