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Your mind was in overdrive after your conversation with Tara, and the more you thought about it, the more you realised that she was right. Your father claimed to have no idea why your mother had left you, and your aunt, her only sister, claimed to have no idea where she had gone. In the years between then and now you had thought about her, a lot more than you actually realised. She was always in the back of your mind somehow. Because if mother is God in the eyes of a child, why weren't you just as important to her? Her leaving you, abandoning you at seven years old had driven your beloved father to his death. It HAD caused you to cling to Derek because he was all you'd had left from your childhood. You wanted to know why? Why bring someone into this world and then just leave them? Did she not know what that had done to you? What it had turned you into?

But, when all of that was said and done, your mother, your father, Derek, they were all the past. And yes, you had questions, questions only Amanda Y/M/N could answer. But you had no idea where she was, if she was even still alive, and last time you had attempted to search for her online, your efforts had been fruitless. So right now, you boxed thought's of your mother back up, and stacked them precariously in the corner of your mind, ready to be reopened at another time.


When you ventured downstairs the next morning, Emily was slumped at the kitchen table, sunglasses covering her eyes whilst Tara stood by their large stove, the smell of bacon sizzling in the air.

"Morning Y/N," Tara greeted you brightly. "You want some? There's plenty to go around?"

You nodded enthusiatically, grabbing a cup of coffee and pulling up a seat. Emily jolted and you realised she may have been dozing.

"Uuughh," she complained, causing you to giggle.

"Feeling a little delicate?" you asked her, noticing how pale her skin looked. She nodded and then clutched her head in despair, whining loudly.

"That's what happens when you drink two and half bottles of wine to yourself...." Tara chastised her playfully, setting down three plates.

You all dug in hungrily, Emily stopping every few moments and swallowing hard. You suspected she was trying to stop herself retching, a sensation you remembered all too well before you had become accustomed to poisoning your liver regularly.

"I'll take another look at your hand later, Y/N. We should be able to take those stitches out."

Emily gagged. "Please don't talk about stitches. I'm already sensitive enough."

"That's what happens when you drink two and a half bottles of wine to yourself," Tara repeated her words, winking at you.

You laughed and then decided there was no time like the present to mention something that had been on your mind, especially with Tara saying she should be able to remove your stitches later.

" either of you know anywhere in town that's hiring?"

Tara's eyebrows raised and your saw Emily's forehead move, imagining she was doing the same behind her glasses.

"Depends what you're after really, and what your skill set is," Tara replied.

"Anything. Aaaaand, I don't really have a skill set. I dropped out of college and haven't had a job since I was 19. I'm handy with a paintbrush though," you offered.

Tara thought carefully for a moment and you could tell she was trying desperately to think of a job that she could offer you in her practice. Emily beat her to it.

"You can waitress right? You mentioned you worked in silver service when you were in college? Or am I making that up...."

"No, I can waitress."

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