Thirty Four

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After Spencer ended his phone call with you, he retreated to his car, abandoning his groceries. There he sat for a full thirty minutes contemplating what to do. You were obviously lying to him and more than likely had been every single Sunday you'd left the house. And Spencer had his suspicions about who you were with. He knew your marriage wasn't perfect but why couldn't you just love him the way he wanted you to, the way he loved you. Why?

He needed answers from you, about who you were with today and why but he knew that if he called you back and accused you of something, then you would likely not return home. You had friends now, places you could go so he had to be careful about how he approached this, about how he approached you. After much deliberation he left his car once more - he'd seen Emily and Tara exit the store so he knew he wouldn't bump into them - and purchased the items he originally was planning on as well as more wine. He would cook the meal and pour the drinks as planned and then he would find out what the hell you had been playing at.


When you arrived back that evening and saw Spencer's car in the driveway, you sighed internally despite knowing that he'd be home. As you entered the house, you could smell something cooking, following your nose to the kitchen where you found your husband stirring a saucepan on the hob. He turned at the sound of you entering the room.

"Y/N, hello." He smiled at you. "I thought.... Well I thought I'd try and cook for once."

"Oh, well...This is definitely a suprise, I must say." You didn't know how else to respond. You noticed his eyes raking over you, and you felt uncomfortable, recalling the last time you had been in this kitchen together.

"You're very muddy Y/N." This was true. Your jeans were covered in sludge from where Roxy had accidentally tripped you. "Dinner won't be ready for a while. Why don't you have a hot bath. Here," he poured two glasses of wine and handed you one, you noticing that the label on the bottle was one which you would actually choose to drink yourself. "Take this with you as well. You deserve to relax, I'm sure you've been working very hard these past few days."

You didn't think anything of his offer, just taking the glass and doing as he suggested. And you didn't think anything of the fact that he had cooked dinner, a dinner that was actually lovely. Nor did you think anything of it when he refilled your glass during dinner, you drinking enough so that you were well over the legal driving limit.

"So did you have a nice time with Emily and Tara today?" Both your plates were emptied and the wine had given you that slightly fuzzy feeling so that the edge of Spencer's earnestness was taken off.

"Yes I did actually. Oh, by the way, Hayley got a really good grade on that assignment I helped her with." You knew he'd like that last part and you smiled as you took another sip of your drink.

"That's really good about Hayley. I'm glad you helped her." Spencer drained his drink and placed his glass down, hesitating before continuing. "I'm not glad that you're lying to me again though."


"You're lying to me. About where you were this afternoon."

"Spencer.... I was with...."

"You weren't with Emily and Tara so don't even bother Y/N. I saw them at the grocery store. That's when I called you and you told me you were on the middle of a hiking trail with them." He stood and picked his glass back up and you had a flashback to the night of the storm. You shoved your chair back and stood, getting ready to move out of his way. To your relief he just refilled his drink, taking a long sip as if it were to calm himself. Or perhaps to help him with his confrontation. "Where have you been going every Sunday Y/N?"

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now