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Another hour later and Spencer had filled out the paperwork for your new old car, it now belonged to you.

Well. Actually no, it didn’t. It was in Spencer’s name with you as the named driver, just like everything in your life was in Spencer’s name. Part of you was grateful, it really was. The other part of you resented it. As he filled out his banking information you thought back, how long had it been since you’d actually bought something with money that you had earned? It had to have been before you were married because once you had moved, leaving your job, your small leased college apartment, your education, behind, you hadn’t had any money to call your own. Spencer had told you that he would take care of you and you’d just let him. Even when you were sneaking to hotel rooms, it was on ubers on his account, wearing lingerie paid for on his credit card.

How much of a shitty person did that make you?

You made a decision. You would get the house in to order and then you WOULD look for a job. You’d start at the bottom somewhere, but you wouldn’t tell him of your intentions. It would be a surprise of sorts, after all he had been the one to mention it this morning. Maybe it would even give you both something to talk about if you were actually away from the house and doing something with your day. The important thing was, that you’d have your own money and in your mind, that was suddenly so very important to you.

The car was bought along to the front of the lot, the mechanic who had given it a service sliding out of seat and handing you the keys with a grin.

“Enjoy her, she’s a great little runner,” he said cheerily as he went back around to the rear of the building. It felt strange to have car keys in your hand. You hadn’t driven anywhere in years, never even owning your own car. You looked over to Spencer, suddenly feeling slightly panicked. It obviously didn’t show on your face though, or if it did he didn’t particularly care.

“I have to go into the office again, can you find your own way home? The car has gps so I can give you the zip code for the house.”

You thought… well , you thought he’d at least come with you for your first drive. He must know how long it had been since you’d been behind the wheel of a car? And plus, wasn’t he meant to be taking you to get a cell phone? What if something happened to you whilst driving?

“Oh. Erm…. Yeah okay. I need keys though, for the house? And… when will you be back? I still have no way of getting hold of you remember.”

He looked uncomfortable and awkward. Perhaps the amount of time spent in your presence was starting to bother him. He reached into his coat pockets and pulled out a bunch of keys, detaching two and handing them over.

“Keep these two, one for the front and one for the back. Do you have the secondary credit card with you?”

You shook your head. That was in the bag you normally used for grocery (alcohol) shopping back in New York. It was packed away still somewhere. Spencer reached into his wallet, pulling out a wad of notes and reeling some off. Your eyes widened at the amount of cash he was carrying.

“Take this,” he shoved some notes into your hand. “The route home will take you back through town. There’s a store there you’ll be able get a phone from.” He pulled out a business card and frowned slightly. “When you get a number, message me. I shouldn’t be home too late tonight.”

He really was going to send you off by yourself. You chewed your lip nervously and Spencer caught it.

“Y/N you’ll be fine. The roads here aren’t hard to follow and this sort of car is easy to drive. I really do have things to do and you’ll get bored and frustrated if I take you with me. Go buy a phone, find your way around. I’ll pick up take out on my way back. Perhaps tomorrow you can clean out the kitchen and go and get some proper food in? Would that be okay?”

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now