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Staring at the locked front door, rain streaming down your face, you wondered what the hell had just happened. You pounded on the door for a few minutes, pleading with your husband through the wood to let you in, if only to get the car keys or your phone so that you could call Emily.

When he didn’t answer you relented, shoving your feet into the still damp pumps and pushing your hair back out of your eyes, realising too late that you’d used your bleeding hand and most likely had blood on your face. You balled your hand into a tight fist and started to walk, tears mixing freely with the rainwater as you reached the end of drive having no idea where to go.

After a moments deliberation you turned left, knowing that it was at least the way into town and if you walked for long enough you would eventually find somewhere you could make a collect call from, having no one else you could really call except Emily. You pushed the thought of what you would do if you couldn’t get through to her out of your mind, pushing the thought of what you would do even if you could, further away. He didn’t want to see you again, he said, which on one hand should have been music to your ears. But on the other, you weren’t ready for this, you weren’t prepared for the fall out of him throwing you out into the rain with nothing except the clothes on your back. Right now, all you focused on was walking, shoving your still bleeding hand under your armpit to stem the blood that was starting to drip from your fist. After fifteen minutes or so, your sodden pumps were starting to rub horribly on your heals but you knew that if you stopped and rested, you wouldn’t go again.

After another ten minutes, you were shivering, soaked through to the bone, your heart thuddering with every crack of thunder. You saw headlights in the distance coming towards you, and you stood to the side of the road, hoping you wouldn’t get splashed as they passed by. You briefly contemplated flagging them down, then remembering that you’d have to give a reason for being out in the rain, bleeding. No, your best bet was to find a phone and call Emily. The car slowed as it passed and you started walking, slightly faster once you became aware that it had pulled over, the sound of a door opening.


You recognised that voice. Luke.

Stop or carry on, stop or carry on?



You turned and he ran towards you, his eyes taking in your state with concern.

“Are you okay? What the hell are you doing out in this?”

“I…. I…”

“Come and get in the car, I’ll take you wherever you need to be.” Luke put his hand on your back, pushing you forward gently and you let him, sinking into the passenger side of his vehicle, and trying not cry.

“You’re bleeding.” You’d removed your hand to fasten the seat belt and Luke noticed the bloody mess. You quickly shoved it back under your armpit.

“Y/N, did….” Luke took a deep breath, almost as if he was scared of asking you. “Did something happen between you and Spencer? Did he do that to you?”

You shook your head because he hadn’t, not really.

“Why are you out here then? And why are you bleeding?”

There was no excuse that you could think of other than the truth. “We had an argument, I threw out some of William’s things and Spencer kicked me out.”

“Into this?!” Luke looked appalled, his face quickly turning angry. “He kicked you out into the rain with nothing?”

You nodded.

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now