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"I've gotta ask. If you like children so much, why did you abort my brother's baby?"

You stared at your sister in law, wondering if you'd heard her correctly.


"Oh don't play dumb Y/N, Spencer told me about the abortion. Why did you do it, why did you get rid of his baby?"

"I didn't."

"So you're calling my brother a liar now? You didn't have an abortion?"

"No. I did have one, not that it is ANY of your business." She hated you anyway, why not tell her the truth? "But it wasn't Spencer's baby."

She sat wide eyed for a moment before her lips spread into a cruel smile. "So you had an affair then as well. God, you really are a bitch. How he hasn't he divorced you yet I don't know."

"Well I've asked him to and he won't so perhaps you should take that up with him. And you know what? I know I'm a fucking awful person, I don't need you to tell me that. But he isn't that much better. You think your darling twin is so perfect? What the hell was he doing sleeping with one of his students in the first place? What the hell was he doing convincing that student to marry him when all she wanted was help with a termination? He begged me to marry him Jennifer! Begged me! And I had nothing alright, I had nothing left and no one to turn to so I said yes! You've judged me since day one yet you know absolutely nothing about me or how I came to end up married to your brother, aside from the pretty little story he's spun for you. And think about this? Spencer can't have kids naturally, you all know that! How did you think I was suddenly pregnant?"

"I just... I just... I thought you'd had IVF. He told me he'd frozen samples, so I just assumed that you'd..."

"Yeah you assumed. Just like you assumed when you met me that I was the one trapping him. I heard you talking to him about me. I heard the things you said about me. You know nothing about this Jennifer, nothing. Your darling brother is not everything he makes himself out to be."

Jennifer sat there looking shocked at your outburst and quite frankly you were too. It seemed that perhaps you were finally finding your feet again, finally finding some of your backbone that had gone missing years ago. Jennifer thought for a moment, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she finally spoke again.

"So tell me then Y/N. If I know nothing, if what Spencer has been telling me, what he's been telling my family, is wrong, tell me the truth. Tell me YOUR truth."

You were conflicted. On one hand, why should you tell her everything? She had you pinned down as a money grabbing, baby killing bitch already, was your story really going to change her mind? But on the other, what if it did?

So for what felt like the hundredth time in the last two week's, you opened up. You told her pretty much everything you had told Emily and Tara, your voice cracking in some places but you remained composed. You watched her face change from curious, to perplexed, to downright confused, regret and then finally concern. For who you wondered? It seemed somewhat amusing to you that for someone who had closed them self off for years, you were now telling anyone who asked it seemed. And really, you shouldn't have been saying half the things you were saying to your husband's twin, but yet you were and you found that you didn't care. Spencer clearly already hated you already, so so what if she ran and told him of your conversation, of the things you'd told her. What was he doing to do? Nothing. There was nothing else that he could do.

By the time you had finished her face was paled and she lowered her head into her arms momentarily. You waited, unsure whether she was going to blow up at you or not. Finally she spoke, looking you directly in your eyes.

We All Fall Down - A Criminal Minds AU Where stories live. Discover now