Chapter 48:

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~~Link's POV~~

I pried my eyes open to see a ceiling high above my head and not just any ceiling, the only ceiling I hated the most; the castle stable ceiling.

I sat up from my hay stack that I used feeling a horse sniff my hair curious about why I was there. I huffed plucking a strand of straw from my hair. Normally a smile would be plastered to my face, but not today.

I stood dusting myself off before looking up at Hyrule castle. Everything had a fresh coat of paint to it making it seem more inviting than before. A light purple trimmed the blinding white buildings and accenting that was slight gold. Only this place could have such a taste in color.

I shuddered as I headed into the bottom most entrance of the castle. The only people who know that I'm here should only be two servants who stumbled upon me last night. That was fun to wake up to by the way.

First thing to do is check in with Commissioner Ran, then I will begin my hunt. Then once I find her, I will have her tell me who is responsible so I can pound their face in! I balled my hand into a fist frowning. IT'S THE PERFECT PLAN!

I walked through the halls of Hyrule castle passing guards, servants, and even royal advisors. Barely anyone spoke a word to me - I guess it is handy to be a silent guy.

I bit my inner parts of my cheek as I neared the throne room. Many worried voices boomed in concern as they spoke to one another, merging into a mass voice that just never seemed to end.

"What are we going to do?!" One yelled.

"If we don't find her soon then what will happen to this country?!"

"Everything will fall apart obviously!"

"Says the one who has an army on their villages!"

I walked in the room seeing the normally empty room filled with a huge table, ten to twenty people sat around it in front of the empty thrones. My eyes began to narrow as my fists grip tightened, they're arguing, of course they are.

I barely walked in when the only advisor who had any common sense saw me. Her bright green eyes lit up like electric keese and her auburn hair flowed to her shoulders in gentle curly waves, her pale skin was nearly identical to Zelda's own, and don't even get me started on her caged in personality.

She bolted from her chair and flung herself onto me hugging me happily in joy," Link!"

"Hello Commissioner Ran." I whispered making her gasp surprised. Oh ya, I'm supposed to be silent.

She looked at the table disgusted before guiding me back into the halls walking with me to her "office" of sorts. When we walked into it all I smelled was the millions of musty books that were saved and restored to their natural glory.

Ran sighed relieved before spinning to me with a warm smile on her face," How's the soon to be prince of the Zora's doing?"

She placed her hands on her hips giggling as heat flooded my cheeks. Geez, word spreads fast even when you don't say anything. I sighed and scratched my cheek embarrassed.

"Good I guess."

She smiled at me cooing like a mother would: hands clapping together, and bashing her eye lashes at me while her heads cocked to the side. She took my arm and guided me deeper into the library.

"So, what do you know so far?" I asked.

Her smile immediately disappeared," One second she's here, the next she isn't."

I frowned," Thats all?"

She turned to me nodding, her eyes filled with sorrow," Everyone has been pulling their hairs out since Zelda isn't here. Before we were all just simple people who never really talked to one another, but when she was here we could actually have a conversation."

"Well someone has to take control here before everything falls apart. Can I trust you to do that while I search?" I asked.

Her eyes went wide before she nodded once. Good. I smiled and placed my hand on her head thankful. She smiled back and balled her fists, she wasn't gonna let the only person that truly trusted her down.

"Okay. Make sure everyone stays away from me while I search." I stated.

"I'll make sure it never happens." She stated." Just find her."

"Yes ma'am." I turned and began to walk out of the library when I felt a cold chill run up my back. I stopped in the door way and gripped the door handles as I felt a vicious set of eyes on me.

I took a glance back only to see Ran's innocent and worried eyes. I relaxed a little and smiled before walking into the dull halls of the castle.

~~No One's POV~~

Commissioner Ran swallowed hard as she played with the hem of her skirt. She bit her trembling lip as she watched the doors close showing the dark set of eyes that glared at her.

"I did what you asked. Please. Just don't hurt anymore people!" She whispered, desperate for the strange man to cut a little slack.

He closed his eyes and hummed as his nimble fingers tapped against the door," I guess I could do that. You did get him here after all." He whispered as he opened his eyes.

Ran swallowed hard scruntching up her skirt in her hands. Her hope was slightly lifting. He could see it, his eyes narrowing with malice.

"Just make sure that his search keeps him here and away from the Zora Domain. I don't need that prince ruining my plans!" He snarled as he flashed in front of her.

A cold chill ran down her back as she saw the hate in those brown eyes. Her throat closed up as she nodded meekly," Yes lord Ghirahim."

The demon smiled and turned as he licked his top lip, then began to follow after the hyrule champion with a gentle smile on his face hiding his evil intentions.

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