Chapter 42:

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~~Sidon's POV~~

Where is he? He should be back by now, I thought as I looked up at Mount Polymus. The storm had only just begun yet after the crazy lightening bolt, the dread in my stomach seemed to wash away.

This fact that Link was fine always eased my mind knowing that there was more to it when it came to defeating the monsters in our land. It is his relief while it is my stressor. I took a deep breath as I looked to the mountain.

"Sire? What are you doing out here for?" I heard Maya's voice chime behind me.

"When did you get back?" I asked still staring at the mountain range.

"This morning before the storm started." She stated.

I looked to her and sighed nodding,"Well, welcome back. Was your trip to see your friend fun?"

"Yes, yes it was." She responded with a smile. Her eyes seemed more glazed than usual as I observed her, yet for some reason I felt more uneasy around her than normal.

I turned away and looked at the mountain range. Her arm brushed mine as she moved to stand next to me. The uneasiness only grew. What in the world am I feeling? I thought as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Your majesty. How about you retire to your quarters? I can wait for Link here while you wait." She whispered.

I tensed slightly as I took a glance at her. She was staring at the mountain range with a mixed expression. I looked back to the mountain range.

"That won't be necessary. Go rest yourself, you must be tired after that long journey." I stated as I gripped my bicep.

"Alright. I just thought I could offer." She stated as she headed away." Oh, and your majesty?"

I looked back at her slightly," Yes?"

"Don't stay up to late. You might get sleep deprivation." She stated before turning away.

My eyes narrowed at the corner of her lips as they twitched toward a smile. I looked behind her though as my wondrous blonde walked up the steps from the shrine he activated. He turned to me and rushed jumping to me.

"Sidon! I missed you!" He cheered as I caught him in my arms.

I held him above the ground by his arms then began to shake him back and forth. My voice booming as I yelled," DAMMIT LINK, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT?!"


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My anger was boiling my blood to the point that I just wanted to scream. I shook him back and forth hard though until his head was rolled back. A small groan escaped his lips as his eyes tried to readjust. My sweat dropped as I realized just how bad I shook him.

"Link?" I questioned.

"I-I'm o-okay." He moaned out before groaning once more.

I sighed in relief as he patted my forearm. He then raised his head slowly with the biggest smile on his face. He chuckled,"I missed you too big guy."

I sighed relieved before hugging him close to my chest. His small hands were warm compared to his soaking wet clothes. He'll catch a cold at this rate, I thought then whisked him away back to my room.

With a little help and some patience, I sat Link down in front of my fire place before digging though his bag to find more suitable clothes. From his rito feather suit to his dessert voe attire, I searched hard for the one outfit that I know Link would love.

"Ah ha!" I cheered then turned to Link smiling seeing his eye brow raised with curiosity.

I held up his light grey hylain shirt which made him smile and reach for it. I took his hand though and pulled the rubber suit off seeing him in only his underwear. Scars littered his chest and arms making me purr as I felt heat flood my body. Hylia, he's gorgeous.

I leaned down and caressed his  face gently, watching his cheeks flush. His own emotions were beginning to flood my own as I began to hear my own heartbeat. I easily crawled over him and kissed the side of his head hearing him whine as he rubbed my chest.

"Sidon. I trust you." He whispered softly. My eyes softened as lust took a hold of my mental steering wheel. I scanned him over before kissing his neck.

"Love, listen...." I breathed out breathless. His arms snaked around my neck without even hesitating. A part of my self began to feel numb. I was loosing him to his own lust. I bit my lip then growled as I held him against my chest. Am I ready for this? Do I truly deserve to feel passion with him? I buried my face in the crook of his neck and started to doubt myself. What if I scare him? I studied hylain anatomy, so I know good and well that we are different. Hylia, what if he doesn't want me anymore because of my anatomy.

Millions of thoughts were running through my head until I felt Link's soft thin lips grace my cheek. I snapped from my daze and looked at Link seeing the sweetest smile.

"Love, I trust you. Stop doubting, okay?" He whispered.

I bit my lip then nodded and planted one kiss to his lips before picking him up off the floor and laying him down on the bed. I pushed his bangs back then laid down beside him before entwining our hands.

"You sure you want this sharkbait?" I asked.

He nodded once before cupping my cheek," I will always want you and no one else."

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