Chapter 15:

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~~No Ones POV~~

Death Mountain. The fiery mountain of death and destruction that brought life to the world. Sidon was thrilled to be here. Gorons were to his left, right, and well everywhere.

Many of the Gorons were beyond surprised. In fact, many were gathering in groups to talk once they noticed the chief walk into his hut with the Zora. Link sadly waited outside in his fire proof clothes staring at the red soil underneath his feet. He could have sat at his friends side, but his heart and mind were still to numb for it. It would just be a cruel punishment in his eyes.

Link of course didn't seem to notice the strange atmosphere around the area. His mind was blocking out nearly every sound except for his own breathing. He closed his eyes, his breathing was... strange. It sounded like he was distressed.

'Because you are.'

His eyes snapped open and he looked around confused trying to see what direction the voice came from only to see no one around him. He was alone.

'It makes sense. Your prince has abused your trust.'

Lies! Link balled his fist gritting his teeth a little. No he hasn't! His throat began to burn as he held back a sob.

'Are you sure about that?'

His breath hitched as the voice went silent. Everything suddenly became loud again as a large hand covered his eyes.

"Sharkbait, calm down." Sidon whispered.

Link bit his bottom lip hard enough causing a small amount of blood to drip down his chin. He took Sidon's large hand with his small one as he felt the Zora scoop him up and nestled him in his arms.

"It's ok. Just listen to my voice." Sidon whispered.

Link began to cry as he laid his head against Sidon's chest. The zotlra smiled sadly before turning to the elder goron who was smiling himself. All three disappeared into the cooler space of the elders home before the two took their respective seats again.

Link slept as the two talked politics, mostly about trading goods and what not, but stopped as Link groaned softly. Both smiled and shook their heads amused. He truly was something else.

"Well I believe we have come to an agreement." The elder whispered.

"I believe we have." Sidon whispered back as he combed his fingers through the blonde locks.

The elder stood then yawned softly as he began to hobble back to the outside world," just remember to keep drinking those fire resistant potions."

"I will sir." Sidon stated as his arms tightened on his love. He looked down at Link and nuzzled the hylain's head smiling sadly. It hurt him to see his lover like this, so fragile and distant.

He placed his forehead against Link's feeling the hylain's soft breath wash over his own face. It only took them two and a half days to get there and Link was still silent. Well more silent than normal.

He was completely mute to everyone which worried the Zora completely. He was never this bad when he first met the knight, back then he would at least get a smile or a snicker, but now it was nothing. A blank broken slate.

"I know you'll come back to me." Sidon whispered as he pecked the soft lips.

Link groaned softly as he curled into a ball against the prince's chest. Sidon smiled and slowly laid back in the seat he was in. Link huffed out softly as he felt Sidon play with his hair, his claws gliding across his scalp ever so slightly.

Yet both dozed as the air became a little more bearable, yet neither expected it to be this way. They slept like that for thirty minutes until Link finally opened his eyes. He stared at the prince's chest then placed his hand against him slightly as he felt the soft chest rise and fall. He was here still, a soft smile played at Link's lips as he felt Sidon's hand play with his hair more.

Link slid his hand up to the top of the Zora's shoulder and tapped it lightly hoping to get his companions attention.

"Hmmm?" Sidon hummed out then smiled as he opened his eyes. He looked down at Link feeling his soft, but strong hands.

"When do you want to leave?" Link signed curious.

"I was thinking about leaving after I experience a goron hot spring. I've always want to be in one." The zora grinned at the hylain making the recipient smile.

"Well I know where a really nice hot spring is if you would like to go experience one now." Link offered as he stared into the excited gold orbs above him.

"I would love that Sharkbait." Sidon whispered.

Link blushed at the nickname and pursed his lips before smiling and placing his head against the broad chest next to him before signing once more," Alright. We'll leave in a few minutes to head there."

Sidon smiled brushing his thumb on the back of Link's ear and neck causing the small one to shudder. Both had a hidden smile on their face as they enjoyed each other's company. 

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