Chapter 25:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Isa!" Link paled at the mess Isa made.

All three were currently on their way back to the domain and were stopped at the half way point. They had gotten a room, but Link stepped out side to use the cook pot to heat a bottle for his baby. When he opened the door almost everything he ever owned was all over the floor. Clothes, materials, you name it.

Sidon though was trying to get her to stop crying by bouncing her lightly. Link hurried over worried and kissed Sidon on the forehead before taking Isa and giving her the bottle which she happily held as she drank.

"I never realized hylain babies could be so much work." Sidon muttered as he watched their child settle down.

"Yeah, but it only gets worse." Link stated nonchalantly.

Sidon paled as he smiled. You have to be joking. He thought as he stared at her. Was he ready for this? Of course he was, she was the key to bringing them closer.

"Link, when we get back to the domain what will we do when it comes to our date night?" Sidon asked.

Link smiled," We'll find someone to take care of her for a few hours."

Sidon's eyes softened before he leaned in and gave a Link a quick peck on the lips," Alright."

Link smiled as they sat at their table, the Shekaih slate glowed with life as they began plotting the rest of the trip back home. Isa was happily drinking away though as she rested in Link's arms.

"So I was thinking that we could rest for an hour here." Link stated as he zoomed in on the first bridge into the domain." We'll set up camp half way through the mountains for another rest, then head the rest of the way."

"Sounds like a perfect plan to me." Sidon stated as he smiled.

Isa gurgled out in joy as she finished. The bottle she had fell onto the floor as she pushed it away. Link puffed up his cheek at her as he picked the bottle up off the floor.

"For some reason I have a feeling you will be a very messy child." Link stated as he booped her nose gently with his finger.

She giggled and reached out taking Link's hand with ease. Link smiled then waved her hand back and forth making her giggle more. She loved it when they played with her.


Link looked up to his lover with a raised eye brow.

"I just realised. Where will she sleep back at home?" Sidon asked." We don't really have cribs in the domain."

Link thought for a moment before snapping and picking his Shekiah slate up. Immediately he sent magic mail to the one person he knew that would easily find or make a crib.

"I've sent the Bolson company a question to see if they could make one for her." Link stated." Once it's done I'll go pick it up, if they make on that is."

Sidon smiled then reached out and scooped Isa away from Link, he could already imagine the laughter from her. The joy she would bring to others around her. It would be perfect.

~~many hours later~~

"Sid, there it is!" Link cheered as they walked up to the ledge that seperated the domain from the rest of Hyrule. The bridge that led into the domain glowed with life as the starry sky began to peek it's eyes out to them. Isa was strapped to Link's back sound asleep while Sidon carried Link's bag with ease. Sison easily lifted himself up onto the ledge and offered his hand to his lover. Link smiled and took it before he was carefully lifted up onto the slab of rock.

Both began to walk across the bridge when Link's nerves spiked. He looked back concerned only to see nothing. He turned forward and slowly, but carefully moved Isa to his front as he grabbed the hilt of his sword with his other hand.

"Sid. Take Isa for me will you?"

Sidon looked then nodded and took Isa. He knew better than to question Link's highly trained senses. Link took a shield from his bag along with a bow and a few arrows.

"I'll be right back. Stay safe." Link whispered.

Sidon nodded as Link jumped into the forest line, but dread only filled his heart as he heard the battle cry of a moblin a few seconds later. He looked at the bundle in his arms seeing she was fast asleep.

He sighed then slowly placed the bag onto his back as he carefully made his way towards the domain. Of course, he was taking his sweet time knowing Link would be at his side in a moment.

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