I Knew You Were Trouble

Start from the beginning

Oh. She's so evil. I look at Mae and pout. "Mae, please? Have mercy on me, I can't live there for the next days. I'll be crazy."

"That's part of being independent Kong, you should be accountable with all your decision. If you're backing away from this simple decision, you won't learn how to be independent. Don't give up so easily. Look for the silver lining."

I can't even see the bronze lining.

I look at Por. "Por? Please? You can't do this to your favorite son."

I ignore P'Kik's comment of, "You are his only son."

"Sorry Kong, your mother's words are the law."

Tsk. Why is my father so whipped? I can't understand. Is that like a rule when you're in love? Do you have to be the slave of your partner? That's like abuse in a different form.

"Fine. Let me rot in that place then. It's nice to know how much you love me."

Mae scoffs and rolls her eyes at me before she stands before the Twister™ mat with Por beside her. They are in for another round.

"Stop being dramatic. We're doing this because we want you to stop depending on us, we won't be here forever with you Kong, you should learn how to be on your own."

That iconic line.

Whenever she says that I know I can't fight with her anymore, it's useless.

Nothing will go against her. She's the rule here.

"Want to play Twister with us?" Por.

I roll my eyes. I will never play that stupid game. "No. But if you take me back, I will."

"Stop insisting Kong."


Since my family's out of the plan, there's only one thing left for me to do. To speak to that person and beg for them to stop their shits and let me rest just. for. once. All I need is a day without Taylor Swift telling me about her exes.

But still, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt-

Once upon time
A few mistakes ago
I was in your sights
You got me alone


There they go again.

And it's another heartbreak song I'm assuming.

It's obvious.

And he's long gone
When he's next to me
And I realize the blame is on me.

I don't know who to curse, the person or the ex. I mean come to think of it, if they hadn't broken the person, they wouldn't do these damned things to me.

Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in

I snort at the irony. The person is the trouble and I should've known it before I agreed to live here and pay the only money I have. But now I'm here. Not knowing what to do with my life anymore. And our major calculus exam is close to near.

Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

Thank you Taylor Swift for echoing my sentiments.

I pick my earphones from my bedside table and try listening to Beethoven but Taylor Swift's repeated 'trouble' rings in my ears. Fuck this!

I groan. When will my life ever be quiet?

I'm afraid to shout and berate them because the last night that I did, someone from the other side of the room shouted at me. Me. The one who's quiet, annoyed and wanting peace of mind.

Not the person beside me. creating all the noise in this building— speaking of this building, I'm still shocked how the hell am I the only one wanting to break their door, shouldn't there be angry mobs with pitchforks and torches in front of their door?

Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

It's louder than before.

Fuck. I can't take this anymore.

I raise my fist and slam it on the wall, "Shut up!"

No response.

I did it again, harder and continuously until I heard a crack on the wall.

Damn. I think I made a dent there. Ugh. Now, where will I get the money to pay for the wall? Not to mention, now it's dented, the music is louder.

"Shut the fuck up!"

I shout.

Someone knocks on my door. "Be quiet!"

I won't be surprised if it's me who'd be reported.

I'll probably have to play Twister with my parents any time soon.


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