It's true when I was walking earlier on the way to school, in every step I made, I hear Taylor Swift and I swear, almost made a music video of my own.

Aim laughs. "Why don't you just move?"

"I can't. I have already spent the money my parents gave me and they said I couldn't ask for more but if this continued, I would do anything and beg just for them to take me back."

"What are your parents trying to do?"

Also my question.

"I don't know. They said I needed to be independent and act mature. I'm guessing Mae's still not over with what I did."

I mean I did spend a lot of money for my third pokemon collection which Mae said is useless and a waste of money. She said, not because we're rich, I can do those things, then she put me here. Although when I asked her if this is my punishment, she said no, I still believed this is a punishment.

"You fucked up this time. You can live with me if you want though."

"No, thank you."

Goodness knows he and May are sexually active.

We both delve into silence until,

"Welcome to New York it's been waiting for you-" Shit. That's me. Not aim. Damn.

I stop humming or am I singing? I look at Aim who's looking at me with an amused smile. "Shit. Ugh. Look, it's stuck in my head now!"

"You know Kong, I won't be surprised if the next time you tell me you're going to attend Taylor Swift's concert."

That will never happen.

"Not a chance."

"It will be held next month, by the way, May's really crazy about it and she's crying until now because she wasn't able to buy a ticket. If you know someone who's willing to sell theirs, can you tell me?"

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks, Kong."


At 9 pm, because of extracurricular activities, I decided to go home and sleep the night off but as soon as I step inside my room, I hear Taylor Swift again.


But I thought it's 12? I thought that's their schedule?

But I guess it's alright too, then at 12, all will be in silence and peace.

'Cause baby now we got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
Cause baby now we've got bad blood, hey!

Oh. It's a heartbreaking song again.

And Aim says it may be a dude just listening to Taylor Swift. I have to laugh. The person beside me is clearly a teenage girl cheated on, I'm sure of it.

Now we've got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
And, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

Bad blood? How relevant to our situation.

I realize it can be applied to us too. My relationship with the annoying person. I also have an ill feeling about them.

I try knocking on the wall once again, just to test the water, maybe this time they'll be smart enough to know how much of a disturbance they can be.

"Someone's here you know."

I hear someone shuffling from the inside and later on there's a muffled "I know." voice.

It's a low voice, like of a guy but I'm still convinced it's a teenage girl, maybe the music's just too loud or her nose is so clogged from all the crying and her voice is all hoarse that's why her voice decreases like that of a guy.

"Then be quiet, thank you."

"No way and welcome."

I shake my head and let it be, there's nothing I can do about it anyway.

It will surely be done. I mean no one can listen straightly to just one singer for more than 3 hours, right?

I take a bath and cook for my self, I say cook but I really just heat my food earlier that I bought somewhere. I also decide to fix my things for the umpteenth time. I lay in on my head and stare at the ceiling, no matter how sleepy I was earlier, sleep eludes me today.

All I hear is Taylor Swift's voice about her exes.

I check the time. It's already 12:42. So I'm wrong then, someone can listen to one singer for more than 3 hours and I have the unfortunate life to 'meet' them, worse, to be my neighbor.

So this is not a one-time thing? It's really a habit of them? Does this mean I have to crawl all the way to our house tomorrow?

The song from earlier is playing again. The Bad Blood. This time, it's louder.


I feel my eyes getting heavy and shutting off when,

"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes. You say sorry just for show."

Fuck. Their ex must have really fucked them up. The person's literally shouting.

I slam my fist on the wall. "Fuck off! Just talk to your ex. Don't you pull me from your misery."

"If you love like that, blood runs cold"

What now? What are they talking about now? Did I say the word love?

"Oh shut up!"

I hear someone knocking on the other side of my room. "Sh shut up!"

What now? Now I'm the one being admonished? I can't believe my luck.

"Sorry." I respond.

I swear I hear the person laughing at my expense.

If this continues to pursue, I might have to crawl on the way to my house just to make my parents take me back.


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