Chapter 15: confusion and seven minutes in heaven.

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"Zayn Ple-" and I was interrupted by his lips crashin to mine. His lips were furious and it got more aggressive  when I didn't respond out of shock.

I went back to reality and tried to break free from him grasp but all he did was tighten his grip on my hand which left me to one option. Kiss back. The kiss was aggressive ,rough and full of lust. And it felt like he was disparate for physical contact between us. But then it started to be more slow and gentle and that's when he let go of my hands but only this time I didn't want to run away to my room. I wanted more..

I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me and he wrapped one of his arms around my waist while the other kept him from falling on top of me and he looked like he was satisfied that I pulled him closer.

Suddenly, he licked my lower lip asking for permission to enter which I denied slightly for fun and he groaned in disapproval.

He suddenly slapped me on the and I gasped giving him the chance to slip his tongue inside my mouth.

We kept kissing for another minute before he suddenly passed out on top of me.


I tried to get him off of me but he was just too heavy.

"Don.." he mumbled and I froze.

Did he..just say my name in his sleep?..

"oh my god…" I mumbled trying to get him off of me.

I successfully pushed him off of me and put the blanket on top of him and got the hell out of there.

I went to my room blushing all the way there and sat on the bed.

"I could use a shower.." I mumbled before going to the bathroom.

I looked at the mirror to find a big red bite on my neck causing me to blush again.

This will definitely leave a mark…

I stripped and entered the shower feeling myself immediately relax.

"now every time I look inside your eyes…you make me wanna die.." I softly sang while washing the shampoo off my hair.

After the shower I decided it would be best to just go to sleep.

Next morning:




"don't bother she has been technically sleep walking the whole entire day!"

"she looks like a Zombie to me.." I heard Alice mumble from beside me and I decided to take my revenge so without looking I punched her with my limp body earning a loud shriek from her and the other girls to burst out laughing.

"what was that for?!" she asked pushing me gently.

"that.." I trailed off looking at her with sleepy eyes.

"is for calling me a zombie.." I explained before my head fell again on the lunch table.

"dude, you have been sleeping the whole entire day. "Didn't you get any sleep yesterday?" Jasmine asked and I shook my limp head.

"why?" Alice asked and I blushed as the memories from yesterday flooded into my mind.

"I just didn't feel like sleeping yesterday.." I lied thanking god that the girls couldn’t see my red face.

" are usually a person who appreciates sleep.." Farah mumbled and I heard the girls quietly agree.

"hey, I still appreciate my sleep!" I defended turning to look at them. But much to my surprise none of them answered they just kept staring at something behind me.

Love the way you lie ( zayn malik / one direction)Where stories live. Discover now