chapter 11: troubles.

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Donia's p.o.v:

"why..why do you have girls clothes in your school bag??.." he asked suspiciously.

"uhhh...what??" i asked trying to look dumb.

"why do you have Girls clothes in your school bag??" he repeated.

"well, see, Alex's birthday! and i know that she loves clothes, so i decided to buy her clothes for her birthday! can't you see? there is a watch in the bag..." i said smiling awkwardly while he eyed me suspiciously.

"i don't know why but i don't believe you.." he said still looking at me suspiciously.

"you don't have to! i can call Alice and she will tell you that it's her birthday!" i said praying that he wouldn't agree.

"nah, that's okay man! but if it's her birthday then, you should bring her in here you know? when it

"was Perries birthday i went to celebrate with her even though i had a concert. " he said.





"who is Perrie??" i asked confused making him face-palm.

"Perrie is my girlfriend." he stated rolling his eyes.

"what?? excuse me for not know every deatil of your life!" i said sarcastically earning myself another eye roll from him.

"whatever, one second...the boys are coming today..." he said before slapping his face.

"so??" i asked asked confused.

"it's your girlfriend's birthday!"

"can you please stop saying my girlfriend?" i asked before covering my mouth.

"why?? isn't she your  girlfriend??" he asked suspiciously.

"yeah! but i prefer the word lover!" i said smiling awkwardly.

"well, it's your lover's birthday.." he said.

"so?" i asked confused making him give me are you stupid or something?

"what ??" i asked.

"you know, i can cancel with th-"

"it's fine, i will bring Alice with me." i cut him off taking him by shock.

"are you sure?" he asked shocked.

"yeah! i don't think she will mind.." i said shrugging.

"mind? why would she mind metting the world's biggest boy band in the world?" he said cockily making me roll my eyes at him.

"i don't like you!" i said.

"you're a boy." he stated.

ohh, i wanna see your reaction if you found out i am a girl. 

"whatever you say big guy!" i said jockingly winking at him before taking my bag.

"why? the school bus-"

"it doesn't come! it comes and pick me up from Alice's house!" i said waving at him before sprinting out of the house.

i went to Alice's house before changing my clothes.

"hey! how is it going?" she asked hugging me.

"you're coming with me after school to meet the rest of one direction." i stated taking her by shock.

Love the way you lie ( zayn malik / one direction)Where stories live. Discover now