Character introduction: Damian

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sir Dayereth Palendryl, son of Lord Nicolas Palendryl the Brave, holder of the Palendryl Hold, Pale Forest, and Higher March and Lady Amarrila the Fair Sorceress, beautiful daughter of the free Fey Wild

Outer appearence:
Race: half-Eladrin
Eye colour: purple
Hair colour: white
Hair lenght: shoulder lenght
Body type: 160 cm in height, slender, weak looking, mostly looks down when talking to others, unless he's officially negotiating
Clothes: wears travel-friendly but expensive looking clothes in colours blue, purple, white and brown

Personality: shy, likes to use his social standing to his advantage but hates to accept any responsibilities that come with it, friendly if others show they care, doesn't forget injustice, wants to show the Academy professors that Shamanry is a valid magic, sometimes instead of being afraid in dangerous situations he becomes angry
Zodiac animal: rat
Favourite colour: white
Favourite food: sweet dumplings
Favourite music: choir music
Favourite animal: all of them
Spirit Companion: polar bear
Hobbies: generally spending time in nature, working on his research (he's trying to prove the connection between a soul of a dead person with what Shamans call Spirits)

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