Caring -6-

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I woke up feeling like shit. I checked the time on my phone and it said 18:46. "Hmm lovely."

My mom entered the room with a plate full of soup and checked my temperature with her touch. "You are indeed a little warmer than usual, Saerin was right." 

"Was Mrs Yoon here?" I asked worried. 

"Yes baby she was checking in once in a while." she said. "We were at work, who else would take care of you?" 

"Tell her that I'm very thankful to her." 

"I already did." 

My dad entered the room and seemed confused. "What happened baby?" he asked me.

"I'm sick." 

"Oh no." he leaned in and pecked my forehead. "Get well soon." 

I nodded and he helped me sit on my bed to eat the soup. 

"What's wrong with her again?" my brother asked. "I thought she wasn't home."

"I'm sick, isn't that obvious?"

"Please, I wanna be sick too. I hate school." he begged. "Please hug me!" 

I looked at him weirdly as he kept begging me. "No I'm not, I would never." 

"Fuck you." he said and left and left the door open.

"Close the door you dumbass!" I yelled.

And of course I got no response. Is it my fault the fact that I don't want my little brother to get sick? 


After I had finished my soup I fell asleep to the sound of rain. It was pouring cats and dogs outside but, of course, I wasn't affected by it. 

I woke up after a couple of hours after hearing voice coming from downstairs. "Yeah she's upstairs, go."

I rolled my eyes to the thought that this could be my brother after coming back for the sickness. There was a knock on my door and my blood really started to boil. "If you're Changwoo leave, if you're mom you can enter."

The door opened a little and head peaked. "If it's neither of them?" 

"Jimin!" I said and coughed right after.

"Hey you, are you feeling better?" he asked me and checked my temperature by touching my forehead, just like my mom.

"Meh, not really." I said truthfully. "Where were you with that rain?" I asked him as I noticed he was wearing sweatpants. 

"I had boxing class today." 

"How did it go?" 

"Pretty good, wanna see a new move?" he said excitedly.


He stood in the middle of my room and started punching the air like a maniac. A hot maniac. He was so focused on what he was doing which made him look passionate. Something that I really like.

"Congratulations!" I clapped as he walked back at me.

"Thank you." he said and blew a kiss. 

"Is this how you show off for ladies?" I joked.

"Depends on the girl." he winked and tickled me. "By the way, are you hungry?"

"Just a little." 

"Great, because I brought you some amazing things." he got up. "Wait a sec."

I heard footsteps going downstairs and then back up and then Jimin appeared again with a paper bag. "Here's all you need." 

The Guy Next Door |JiminxReader|Where stories live. Discover now