Chapter 12

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Sallys POV

I come out of the elevator and run up to the dryer. Taking the items out is an easy task. I taking out the items except...'Gulp'. Her underwear is left and I have to reach in to get it. My hands tremble as Put half my body in the dryer to reach for it.

"DID you guys do it yet"

I jump hit my head on inside of the dryer. I come out and give him an annoyed look "The heECK LARRY!"

"Oh shit, my bad" he rubs my hair. I can't tell he's trying not to laugh too. While we walk up the stairs he gets off on the first floor. I ask him where is he going and he says to a 'special place'. I don't ask further. He's always going to unknown places. But never tells us where. But its ok, he doesn't have to, I smile.


I look at the picture of the woman in my hands. She's wears a bright smile. With silky blonde hair reaching her back. 'She's beautiful' Is this? Not it could be. Her hair is blonde....but that doesn't matter does it, Sals dad has blue hair and that's obviously where Sal gets it from.

The front door opens suddenly and I stay frozen. Sal walks in, he doesn't say anything about me holding the photo. He sees the worried expression on my face. Maybe this was a bad idea to look around. I didn't go in the rooms or anything but still.

"It''s my mom" he says silently.

"She's beautiful! I can't believe I haven't seen her yet" I smile at him.

"She' longer around"

"....." I put the photo down. "Oh I'm...sorry to hear that" I had no idea. I didn't mean to trigger him like that. All this time passed and I didn't even bother to notice. 'Dumb ass' I mentally call myself. Sal tells me its all good and hands me my clothes. I don't want to put them on but I go in the bathroom and change anyway. Before I come back out I quickly grab his sweater and put it back on. Its to warm! There's no way I'm taking this off.

Wait? 'Eye lubrication drops' eye drops? Sal has allergies? I smile a bit. 'cute' I imagine Sal sneezing. BUT THE MOM THOUGH. I give myself a face palm "Whyyyyyyyy-" I hear to knocks on the door.

"Hey Y/n you ok in there?"

I open the door quickly shut it behind me. "Yup, I'm just fine Sal" I skip down the hall and plop on the couch. He snickers "your such a weirdo". I look at him and a small blush appears on my face. He notices and rubs my hair smiling down at me. I can tell he is by is eyes. I've learned to read his emotions through his eyes. After all, eyes do show the most emotion. 'Ok now I'm just saying eyes too much'

He sits next to me and leans back on the couch. The rain still falls through the open windows while the tv volume is low. I decide to lean back too. "Sal, do you have a cat?" I ask and turn to his direction.

"yeah, his name's Gizmo" he answers

"I have one too, his name is Cat"

"You're cats name is Cat?" he laughs "and since when did you have a cat?"

"Ha Ha, Cat always hides when you guys come over. And his food and items are usually put away. Plus he doesn't shed sooo"

"Lucky, Gizmo sheds like a god damn dog" Sal sighs.

We both laugh together. I finished up my tea from earlier. Setting aside mug on the table living room table once I'm done.
It gets silent for a moment. But it's fine, it's the peaceful kind of silent. The fact is we both enjoy each others presence in general. I blush a little. Not many shy girls like me get to sit with there crushes couch. I know he doesn't see me that way, but I'm fine with that. It's not like I'm in love with him but I just like him. He's one of a kind. Who wouldn't? I blush even more.

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