Chapter 4

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     Y/n POV

     I sat in the living room watching morning cartoon shows. Bendy was my personal favorite. Sure it can be creepy at times but over all was a show I enjoyed. I watched as Boris ran after Bendy across the screen. I stopped paying attention and looked down to my right. My cat walks up to me and jumps on my lap. "Hello Cat" I smile and pet his fluffy fur. I remember when I first got him. He was so small and innocent then. Now he just destroys my room while I'm gone unless I close my door. I roll my eyes at the thought. Cat purrs in response. Just then my front door opens. My mom walked in with groceries. "Hey mom" I look up at her.

  "Hey sweetheart!!" I noticed a figure behind her and froze. Sally walks in behind her also carrying groceries. Cat runs under the couch and I watch them walk in with wide eyes. What is he doing here!? I mean it was kind of him to help and all but this is random. I'm not even dressed properly. I look down at my shorts embarrassed at how short they where. I then looked up to see Sally watching me. I should just jump out the apartment window and end this all. I view them from the couch. Sally puts the groceries on the kitchen table and so does mom.

I don't think mom notices how im dressed, otherwise she would have told me to put something else on before Sally walked in. I grab my cover from the sofa arm and cover myself . I would change but I was too embarrassing getting up like this with him around. This cover at least makes me more comfortable.

Sally's POV

    I put the groceries on the table waiting for further instructions. As I wait I take the time to look around. Their house is really nice. I look at Y/n sitting on the couch. I can tell she's uncomfortable by the face she's making. I get the feeling this girl isn't very fond me. I'm used to that kind of reaction from people so it doesn't faze me. I had no idea that this was her mom though. I looked over at Y/n's mom.

"Thank you Sally" her mom smiles at me warmly.

"No problem"

"Is your father home?" she ask.

"No, he's out at the moment"

"Oh, then why don't you stay a little"

After those words Y/n coughs and shrinks in her seat.

"Oh um...sure I wouldn't mind staying a little" I reply

"Great," her mom says as she puts the groceries away "I'll make you two lunch, in the meantime, you can head in the living room and get comfortable". With that said I walk in the living room and awkwardly sit on the other end of the couch. On the tv screen is Bendy, an old show I used to watch as a kid. I still enjoy it to this day. To bad they stopped making episodes. I wonder why. Welp here goes nothing.

"Ha, you still watch this show" I start.

"No" Y/n quickly switches the channel to the news.

There was an awkward silence. Jeez, why are girls so complicated to talk to. I'm not really good at talking to girls my age because then I act all weird and fuzzy. I start to tense up. Neither of us was paying attention to the news channel, we just looked at the screen to avoid eye contact.

"Hey...I have a question," Y/n says in a nervous tone while turning to me.

"Yeah?" tilt my head.

"Why do you wear that mask?"

I'm silent for a bit before answering "it's a prosthetic..."


   "Oh...," I officially regret asking that personal question " I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Its fine, I get that a lot" Sally interrupts.

"So how do you like it here?" I quickly change the subject.

"It's...interesting" if he didn't have a mask I'd think he would be grinning. I blush at his tone.


"Well for one, I never expect this place to be haunted"

I look at him with confusion and my mom walks in with our plates. Two perfectly made sandwiches. My mouth starts to water. She sets them down on the living room table. "I'll be in my office if you guys need anything" she says and leaves. I quickly grab the sandwich off the plate. Before I take a bit I look at Sally. He doesn't touch his food but instead looks lost in his thoughts. A few seconds later he picks up his plate. My eyes light up. Am I going to see his face?! He unclips on side of his mask and then opens it. I can't see his face from this view because his mask is blocking it. I wait for him to unclip the other side to take it off but it doesn't happen. Instead, he picks up his sandwich and starts eating. Dang namit!! I pout and stuff the stand which in my mouth. At least he can't see me eating, I look crazy . I finish the sandwich in less than a minute. Sally is done too and his mask is back on this face.

"That was good"

"I know right" I laugh

"Ugg..I'm sorry for being so awkward, I look a hot mess and I didn't know anyone was coming over" I look down to the floor not wanting to look at him.

"All I see is a pretty girl sitting on a couch" Sally puts both hands behind this back and leans in on the couch. I blush at his response. That was the last thing I expected to hear.

" you" I try to hide my blushing.

"Hey are you ok?...your face is really red"

"Y..yeah, it's just the weather is all" I hear him laugh a little and my chest starts pounding from being nervous.

"What was your name again...Y/n right?"


"You seem cool, wanna be part of my crew" Sally asked.

"Your crew?" I laugh at the way he said it.

"Well, yeah" He replies. I could tell he was smiling.

"What's it about?"

"Well, paranormal entities like ghost and stuff" he moves closer. This sounds childish so I stare at him for a second. This dude is not kidding. "Well...I can think about it..." I say awkwardly. Sally nods in response and starts texting on his phone. He then puts it on the table and watches the news with me.


Today was definitely an interesting one. Sally left a few hours ago. I gather my items to take a quick shower. Quickly undressing and turning on the warm water was a simple task. I got in and let the warm water run down my back. Showers where always calming to me. A place to short out my thoughts. I wonder why Sally didn't just take his whole mask off. But at the same time, I can understand. He's not comfortable and there's nothing wrong with that. I sigh. When I'm done with my shower I head to bed. Before I fall asleep my phone sends a notification. It reads 'Sally' remembering that I gave him my number before I left.

Sally: Hey, you think you can hang out tomorrow

Y/n: Sure

Sally: Ok, cool :)  when do you think you can come out

Y/n: Anytime is fine with me :)

Sally: Ok, will 7 am be good then

Y/n: Yeah

Sally: Ok, well goodnight ;)

Y/n: Goodnight

DAYUM that's early! Thank glob I'm a morning person. I put my phone on my dresser and crawl in my bed. Cat jumps on and snuggles with me. Soon I'm fast asleep.


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