Chapter 6

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Larry comes back handing me a walkie-talkie. I take it and look at him confused.

"Whats this for?"

He doesn't answer me but instead gestures me to sit next to him. Sally sits across from us and I wait for whats about to happen next.Larry starts "So, let's get down to business and whatever, starting with Charley"

"If your not comfortable with the conversation just let us know and we won't mind switching to another one, since you knew Mrs. Sanderson" Sally says. I nod my head appreciating the offer.

Larry explains the incident. I sit there in shock the whole time. How could Charley do such a terrible thing for a toy? Larry must have been terrified. I feel anger and sadness. This world is so cruel. "That's...insane" my tone is shaky. The room now gains a disturbing vibe. Each of us staring in different directions exploring are thoughts.

Larry's voice is serious and not as chill as before "The officers around here sit on their asses all day not considered with us. When we try to help they ignore. So," he puts both arms behind his neck and leans back. His eyes closed. "If there's any trouble, we gather as a group to fix it" He looked cool and couldn't help but I blushed a little.

" saw it-" before I could finish Larry's mom opens his door to check in on us. "You guys alright?" we nod and she smiles while closing the door back.

"Saw what?" Larry looks at me.

"The...the body" It's quite after I say this. Larry of course seen it while it happened but Sally on the other hand.

"When I entered the home the body was already gone. But...I did see it. Through the ambulance car window. It was...not a pretty sight" Sally responded. His eyes were wide and he stared at the ground. I then regretted asking. The mood fades and we all go back to normal. Not really sure if me being part of this means we get to be friends. Probably not...not many crazy things happen in this normal apartment. My mood goes down but I don't show it. I still appreciate the welcoming and the fact that people for once had interest in me.

For the rest of the time I look around at Larrys art. My cheeks at this point hurt from being impressed. I love art and draw while at home. I complemented his art about sixty for times already. He's probably tired of it. "Dude, I didn't like know you had a thing for art"

"Ha, yeah I love it. Maybe I'll bring my sketchbook over next time" I say gleefully. We start talking deeply about art and what techniques we use.

Sallys POV

I listen to Y/n and Larry go on about art. It's like they're speaking a different language because I have no idea what hell they're talking about. Im glad Y/n chose to come. Later I'll have to get Larry back for giving me the idea to pin her to the wall. I mentally facepalm. Why do I even take his advice sometimes. Y/n is surprisingly easy to talk to. Guess because shes not like most girls. I like that about her. Maybe she can give me advice. A small smile appears on my face. I glance at her direction. Ha...its cute seeing her smile and talk about art. She seems passionate about it. She noticed that I was looking at her and quickly looked away in discomfort. I frown. I don't think she's used to me yet. I almost feel jealous, her and Larry are talking like best friends. Meanwhile, I make her nervous. But, life is like that sometimes. The best thing you can do is work around it.


I'll have to get used to his face soon. To be honest I think he looks badass but I can never tell what he's thinking. I'm too scared to look at him directly while he looks back. Why do I feel this way? I know I don't like him that way. Maybe it's because he's so mysterious and I find it fascinating. Like when you see someone you think is really cool and you don't want to seem like a fool in front of them. So you end up acting like a fool by trying not to act like a fool. If that makes sense.

"Y/n? You in dream world?" Larry snickers

"O-Oh I'm sorry!!" I laugh nervously

Mom text me if I'm alright and I reply. It's 6 pm. Dayum I've been here awhile! I think now would be a good time to go home. I text mom that I'm on my way and put my phone back in my pocket. Sally ask me if I want him to walk with me to my apartment. I didn't really need him to, but having company would be nice. We enter the elevator. It's quite for a few minutes but I break the silence.

" I thought you said this was about paranormal stuff," I turn to him and he jumps up slightly. "W..well-" "and by crew, I thought there would be more people" I walk up him, my face six inches away not paying attention to how close I was. He shrinks down enough for me to look taller then him. He shifts uncomfortably. His eyes shooting in different directions while he speaks.

"Heh heh...I j-just didn't think you'd be
i-interested unless I said something crazy. Please don't hold this against me and have t-trust issues. I swear I won't do it again!" Sally apologizes. I look at him with a stern face then I back away.

"But I do think his place is haunted" he says last. I laugh and rool my eyes. Looking down and fiddling with my hands. I don't know if I should ask or not. The elevator door opens and we walk to my front door. Before I open it I gain the courage to ask.

"Hey...Sally..." my voice is soft.

"Yeah" he looks at me concerned.

"I was just wondering...are we going to be friends..or we just gather when something interesting happens"

"...Well, yeah we can definitely become friends. Why do you ask?" he tilts his head. I smile like a little girl and tell him its nothing. I don't want him to know how much of a loser am.

"See you around" Sally holds out a fist. I slowly but surely fist pump him and we both laugh. "See ya" I wave as Sally walks down the hall and into the elevator.

Authors Note: Hope you guys enjoyed!! Sorry for taking years. I do not own the picture I believe its by likkrrr on deviant art. Correct me if I'm wrong

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