Chapter 1

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      Slumber to most is a peaceful moment you truly have to yourself. Your thoughts and imagination run wild and free. I, unfortunately, found myself running from something almost every night. It was not always this way. Nightmares became running theme for me since I moved here in the Addison Apartments with my mother. I wake up in a cold sweat. Sounds of honking from outside my window catch my attention. My mood shifts from scared to annoyed and I quickly get up to slam the window shut. "It's a moving truck? damn loud" my voice mumbles as I rub my eyes.

This is a great way to start off a morning routine, loud ass noise, and horrible dreams. But maybe there is something to look forward to too. The smell of warm pancakes and eggs hit my nostrils. A wide smile forms on my face. It attracts me like a magnet to the kitchen. There stands my mom, humming, and cooking. She hears my footsteps and before I can even sit down--

" [Name] go wash your face and brush your teeth" my mother gets a groan from me in response. The screech of my chair is drawn out from me slowly pushing it back in.  I go to do what she says and try not to give mom a hard time. Ever since dad left things have been very hard for both of us. I smile at the thought of my mom's strength...sometimes I wish I was as strong as her. When I return to the table breakfast is already set. I take a seat and thank her. I start to eat.

"Hey, mom... I saw a moving truck outside" I start a conversation

"Well yes, people are moving into 402, you haven't noticed? They've been bringing in stuff since yesterday" she replies. This sparks a bit of interest since I had no idea. People don't normally move here so this is a big deal to some like my mom. I give her an 'Oh' and continue to eat. Once I'm finished I ask her if she needs anything to be done around the house.

"Well you can bring those clothes down the wash for me"

"Sure thing" I replied, picking up the basket of clothes, sitting them on the table so I can look for my shoes. I try to help mom around the house as much as possible. Things didn't need to be harder than they already were. I slipped on my bunny slippers and grabbed my cell phone. I didn't bother to change out of my sweatpants and t-shirt. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone. Once again picking up the basket and opening the front door my mom looked at me with concern.

".....Please be careful [Name], call me if anything's wrong. Lisa should be cleaning on the third floor at this time." mom has always been worried about me leaving the house due to the recent murder that took place. She was even thinking about moving. I don't blame her but I wish she'd understand that I'm fine.

"I will mom.." with that I give her a faint smile and close the front door. Strolling down the hall to enter the elevator.

Authors Note: I will be redoing my book, I didn't think I'd come back but here I am :) this is a redo chapter and all of the chapters will be redone.

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