Chapter 11

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Author: Guess who's back ( ゚ヮ゚)....I know I've been gone please don't kill me ;—;

[Sally meets megan]

I enter the house and lock the front door. 'I just saw a ghost....a real fucking ghost' My hands still shake from shock but I'm not scared anymore. She's harmless. Maybe I should wait before I tell the others. They probably won't believe me now. I would like to see her a few times to make sure I'm not going crazy. I take a deep breath, slowly walk up to the window. The rain is heavy today. Watching the rain calms me. I stand here for a while to take my mind off the ghost. The blue sky was hidden by a large gray cluster, pouring out rough raindrops. I watch as the little drops hit the glass.

"Hey Sal, I'm heading off to work. Make sure you take the trash out. And no loud music buddy" dad shouts from across the room.
He smirks while pointing at me. Dad opens the front door and exits. Last time the neighbors complained about my music being to loud. I get a...little carried away with with Sanitys Fall. I rub the back of my head and smile awkwardly. In the kitchen Gizmo sits, reading a magazine on the floor. "Whatcha reading there Gizmo?"


"Cool" I pick up the trash bag and make my way out into the hall. I don't feel like I need my umbrella, its a lot to carry a trash bag and that at once. So I leave it. I head to the main back door of the building.
When I open I feel instant regret for what I stated earlier . It's flooding out there!

"Maybe I did need one..." I use my left hand to try and pull my hoodie over my head, but my pigtails are in the way, so I take them out and wear my hair down. Putting the two hair bows in my pocket. My aqua blue strands flow down my back. Now I can get my hood on perfectly. I quickly sprint outside trying to be quick. The bag is almost in the dumpster....but I hear a sound. Sniffing?

'Is someone... crying?' Up on the fire escape steps, theres a figure, wait Y/N??? I drop the bag immediately.

"Y/n what's wrong?? What happened!?!" She's soaked in rainwater so I can tell she's been here for a while. Her eyes are red and puffy but no tears come out. She sits with her knees against her body, curled up. And she's trembling from the cold.


He sits next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder."N...nothing" I can't tell can I. I curl up even tighter and hide my face away. I hoped that Sally would come for me but now that he's here feel even more humiliated. 

"Common don't do this to me...I know theres something wrong with you your crying." He hugs me even when I'm curled up and hidden away, he stays in this position. "Y/ can tell me anything..." at this point I feel bad. I hate worrying him like this. Im a terrible friend for ignoring him but I can't help it. No words will escape from me.

"Y/n...Lets go to my house ok?"



I stand in the living room observing his home. It's so warm in here and it looks cozy. I don't smile though because 'that moment' is still on my mind. "My dads not home" Sally says while closing the front door. The lights are off allowing natural light to shine through the windows. I watch the rain, not noticing Sally starting at me. "Your soaked to the bone, you can use my shower if you'd like. I can dry your clothes for you while you're in there and stuff" Sally offers while rubbing the back of his head.

Sallys POV

She nods her head without making eye contact. Good, she's cooperating. I hide my anger. I feel like someone did something to her. I've never seen her cry before so this is new to me. We'll she's not crying...but she was! And she's upset. I would've just told her to go home and shower, but I can tell she doesn't want to. If she did she wouldn't be outside like that. "Sally your wet should take one first"

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