Chapter 2

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Entering the third floor down the hall I spot Lisa. She had just what I needed, the keycard. I have my own of course but I lost it a while back. Guilt overwhelms me just thinking about it.

As I walk down the hall I notice a figure already in a conversation with Lisa. From where I stand they have pigtails hair? 'That's different...I've never seen this girl around here before' I thought to myself. Maybe she's one of the new neighbors that moved in. Walking closer and closer the figure that was once small becomes tall, way taller then I am. 'Oh?'

'She's taller than I thought..wait!?!' I'm close enough to get a better view of them, but not too close to be noticed. I don't like to assume there gender...but I think they might actually be a guy.

I snap out of it as the person with the blue hair walks past me. There wearing a mask and through them I see blue eyes connecting with mine. I quickly look at the floor walking ahead. 'That was interesting'.

"Hey Y/n how are you doing" Lisa greets me friendly.

"Good morning Lisa" I smile.

"That boy Sally you just passed is one of the new neighbors," Lisa said in an excited tone. 'I knew it' my eyes squinted and I smirked knowing that I was right.

"Very sweet boy he two and Larry would be great friends. The thought was interesting. I've seen Larry around but we never really had a conversation. Just hey and how are you, then awkwardness.

"That would be pretty cool," I replied

"Do you happen to have the keycard?" I tilt my head as I ask.

"Oh, Sally down there has it, you might wanna hurry, looks like he's heading in the elevator"

"Crap!!" I boost down the hallway holding the basket tight. Clothes threatening to fall out but luckily none did. I make it to the elevator, drop the basket, put my hands on my knees for balance and pant heavily. 'Man, I'm really out of shape' I mentally telling myself.

Standing back up I and turning to my right and freeze. The blue hair male is also frozen in position staring confusion. His hand close to the button. I feel my face heat up. Quickly I pick up the basket and turn my head the other way. The sound of the button clicks and making things more embarrassing, a small laugh emerges from him. 'Y/N GOOD JOB' I want to cry but l compel myself.

"Where ya heading?" a smooth, kind of deep voice from my left. Good that he asked because I completely forgot about the keycard.

"Oh uuh, just to the basment...which is why I needed the keycard.." I quickly reply giving myself a mental facepalm.

"Me too, looks like we're going together" he replies.

Things fall silent again. I study his mask, my eyes just can't get off of it. So many questions floating in my head. My eyes wander into the sockets of the mask. His eyes staring the whole time. I jump and looked towards the floor again. My chest starts pounding, not from the fact that he was a guy. But from the fact that I made a fool of myself giving the new neighbor a target to make fun of. Just then the elevator door opened.

I speed walk out of the elevator and turn to my left. There sat the washing machine and dryer. I give a breath of relief happy that the tension in the elevator is now gone. As much as I want to look at the blue haired dude I don't, due to the fact that my body won't allow me. The awkward tension was too much. Staring into his soul will only make things worse.

Once I finish with the clothes I head back into the elevator. The basement always gave me the creeps. I've always felt like I was being watched when alone. But it's probably just my imagination...

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