You Came Into My Life And Now I Want You To Stay

Start from the beginning

The one with black hair and an abundant amount of tattoos smiles just as wide as Brendon, if not wider. “Hey, man. I'm Pete.”

Brendon keeps smiling and looks at the two guys left who are unnamed at the moment, waiting expectantly. “I'm Tom,” the dark blond said, scratching his scruffy cheek before resting his head in his hand.

The last one practically mumbles his name as he introduces himself, but Brendon still catches it. “Ryan,” he says, fiddling with a beat up notebook that rested on top of his other textbooks.

It's quiet now, none of them looking at each other, but focusing on their personal belongings or the things around them. Professor Caruso hasn't given them a sheet for their project yet and Brendon bites his lip, hoping that this isn't how the project is going to end up if none of them talk. Granted, right now, they have nothing to talk about since they don't know what they're doing for the project, but they could at least try to get to know each other for the time being. Maybe that's for when they're working on the project. Brendon doesn't really know, this is the first time he's worked on a group project since being in college. Hopefully it'll end up like he hopes it will.

His eyes run over each of his partners while they wake for their instruction sheet. Both of Pete's arms have a lot of tattoos on them, one more than the other, and Brendon can see a lot of movie references on them. There are a few other things he doesn't quite get, but he doesn't think he should ask about them just yet. His hair is cut in many different layers and it's kind of all over the place, but it works for him. He's wearing a Police shirt, jeans and some bulky shoes. All in all, Pete looks like he does his own thing and doesn't care who likes or doesn't like it.

Tom seems to have dressed casual and uncaring. He's wearing a white t-shirt with a black sweater vest pulled over it, a black belt, jeans, and sneakers. His hair is long and slides over to the side of his head. Tom just looks bored at the moment, but he seems like a cool person. Brendon judges people by their clothes because he's just kind of weird like that.

Ryan's wearing clothes that makes him look like a TA. Nothing complicated, just some black jeans, a belt, and a white, buttoned-up long-sleeved shirt. He's not looking at anyone, just down at his notebook and writing something on the cover. Brendon narrows his eyes to see a little better, even though he has his glasses. He mouths the words to himself as Ryan writes them, i missed your skin when you were east.

Brendon always has a feeling when someone is looking at him, so when he quickly brings his eyes up after Ryan's hand immediately stops moving, Ryan is staring directly at him. He's not glaring at Brendon, just looking with bland eyes. Brendon looks back at him with his own wide eyes, unsure of what to do or say. Maybe he should say sorry, maybe he shouldn't say anything.

Thankfully he doesn't have to say anything as Professor Caruso comes up and drops four sheets on their table. “Good luck, guys,” is all she says before moving onto another group to give them their assignments.

Everyone picks up a sheet, beginning to read it. Using Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs (physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization), pick five different movies with five different scenes relating to each need.

Each scene from the movie has to be no shorter than five minutes long. Pick a scene that makes others think about why you picked that specific one. Some of the needs are obvious when picking a scene, but every general need in each category should be met.

Deficiency needs must be included. With the exception of the lower needs, the physiological needs, if the deficiency needs are not met, the body gives no indication of it physically, but the individual feels anxious and tense.

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